C h a p t e r [119]

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Hey guys, so.. tell me if the character I added doesn't fit, so I'll change it to someone else, fictional or non-fictional. —J.
I have my phone turned off right after I talked to Tippy. I come to work every single day without a phone and people and my co-workers are wondering how I receive the emails and all the business works, guess what, I don't. I just come to work early and use the computer there. I became fully dedicated to my work, I don't even take a rest on my day offs. Everybody's getting worried about my health but I don't. Working is better than to remember his stupid face.

Two months passed, I know no one in the modern world could have their phone off for 61 days and so on. And another month passed, that's when I bought a new phone; the same day I got my salary. I called mom and Tippy and told them to keep my phone number private, never to give it to anyone unless with my approval.

I don't watch TV anymore and I don't listen to new songs either. I listen to the Carpenters, to Paul Anka and more old songs. It makes me sure that I'm free from his voice and everything that might remind me of him. I'm also using my phone to reconnect with the innocent people in my life, I also updated my boss about it where she calls and texts when she needs my presence in an urgency.

5 months passed and I'm over him. I guess. My co-workers comes to me and tells me to listen to his songs because they said it feels like he was singing to them directly. The don't have a clue that the artist, him, was my ex-boyfriend. Yes. Ex. Boyfriend. We have no official closure but I'm ending it myself, the same way he did.

My phone rings while I'm on my rest day, it was a call from my boss.

"Yes ma'am?" I said politely.

"Hello May. I know it's your off day today but can you go to my office? I just want you to meet the supervisors."

"Meet the supervisors ma'am?"

"Yes. I'll expect you to be here in 30 minutes."

"Okay ma'am, I'll be there in no time."

After I took a shower and wore my profession clothes, then went to the office. As I open the door, every high ranking businessmen and bosses are there, I was the only employee. I feel so awkward as they all look at me like I just slaughtered an innocent man.

"Ah. May. Come in." My boss said, "Everyone, I'd like you to meet, May Archer."

I shyly smile and bowed, as I raise my head, there's this guy smiling back at me. Curly hair, green eyes and his smile.. it's melting.

"May, go, take a seat."

I move my head to look around for an empty seat, I don't know if I'm lucky or unlucky, but there's an empty seat on the opposite side of the guy who has a smile like a beautiful pearl.

I gulp in nervousness as I walk to sit on the chair. He turns his head to me with that smile still on his lips. He's wearing a navy blue suit and tie. I can feel him still staring.

Sitting like a potato with the feeling of awkwardness, I can't wait to have this meeting to be done. And plus, I feel so uncomfortable with him staring at me like a prey.

Ma'am Daiya, my boss, just explains in front, she talks and talks and talks. She moves her hands from here and there as she presents her powerpoint to all of us.

It took an hour and a half. All smart people arguing with her and suggesting, but they really can't win. She's way brighter and way smarter and I admire her for that

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