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Your POV

It wasn't easy being married to Jung Hoseok, but you were slowly getting used to it. You never understood why he felt the need to fret over you constantly but you knew he meant well. He was always asking when the last time you ate was or whether you had gotten any fresh air. He was always worrying himself about you.

When you went to be interviewed about the marriage his hand never left yours. He would look over at you in a way you had never seen him look at you before, and you couldn't help but smile and blush like a little school girl the entire time. Hoseok was quick to answer every question so that you wouldn't have to talk as much, which you were grateful for. By the time it was over you were in cloud nine from all the compliments Hoseok had given you.

You hadn't discussed the kiss from the other day or what it meant for the two of you, but you definitely noticed he was acting differently. Especially after the interview. He would hold your hand more when you were with the boys or he'd wrap an arm around you if you were sitting on the couch. If he saw you playing video games with Jungkook he always made a point to join and sit close to you.

You certainly didn't mind. The more time you spent with him the more you could picture spending the rest of your life with him. You and Hoseok were like the perfect pair. There wasn't much you disagreed on and you certainly enjoyed being in his company. Even if he did go overboard sometimes.

You happened to be lying on the couch with Jungkook one day. The two of you were watching some old movie neither of you had heard of, but it was a Friday morning and nothing else was on so you decided why not. He didn't have dance practice until later and there wasn't anything else to do.

He had his arm up on the chair and you were laying against him so that his arm draped around you slightly. You were both too busy watching the movie and shoving popcorn in your face to notice the way you were sitting. You were comfortable so you didn't think twice about it. It was just Jungkook anyway.

"Y/N what are you doing?" You heard Hoseok ask from the hallway. You paused the movie and turned to face him.

You raised a brow. "I'm watching a movie?" You yawned and stretched a little. "Wanna join us? I mean the movie is almost over but it didn't make a lot of since anyway."

"I'm good thanks," he said back.

You were surprised by his tone and shot him a confused look. "Is everything okay?" You ask him.

"Yeah. Fine," he said before walking back into the kitchen.

You were tempted to follow him, but decided against it. You knew it would only lead to a fight. You figured it would be better to wait for Hoseok to calm down about whatever was irritating him before asking him about it. So you say back and continued to watch the movie.

"Why are we watching this again?" Jungkook asked as he attempted to put a handful of popcorn in his mouth, causing most of it to fall onto you.

You laughed and picked up the stray kernels. "Nothing else was on so we decided to watch this," you pause. "Actually you decided on this." You flash him a smirk. "It's your fault we're stuck watching this terrible movie."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and smiled at you. "You didn't want to play video games," he pointed out.

"Because I never win!" You tossed your head back onto his shoulder as you laughed. "Play a game I'm good at and we'll talk." You both burst into laughter.

"Jungkook can I talk to you?" Hoseok asked.

You popped your head up. He definitely seemed upset. You and Jungkook made eye contact and you shrugged. You weren't sure what was going on. You watched as Jungkook got up from the couch.

You stayed on the couch but listened quietly to see if you could hear anything, however, you couldn't make it anything they were saying. A few minutes later Jungkook came back through the living room clearly upset and went straight to his room without saying a word to you.

"Hoseok," you called immediately and walked into the kitchen where he was putting away groceries. "What did you say to Jungkook?"

"I just talked to him," he said as he put away a box of cereal.

You crossed your arms over your chest. "He was clearly upset when he came back through," you said back. "What did you say to him?"

"Y/N," he explained. "Paparazzi are always hiding in the shadows. What if they caught you and Jungkook sitting like that? They'd have a field day."

You threw your hand up and gave him an exasperated sigh. "Hoseok I swear you're impossible!" You shook your head in disbelief. "We're at home! And we were watching a movie!"

"And his arm was draped around you," Hoseok said. "If anyone of importance had seen that it would've ended badly."

You rolled your eyes. "You have to be kidding me!" You watch as he continues to unpack groceries until you get fed up and just take the bag from him causing him to look down at you. "Hoseok," you said. "You need to chill."


"And this has nothing to do with the paparazzi," you snap at him. "This is about you being jealous. Why are you so jealous of Jungkook?" Hoseok looks at you surprised. "Yeah I know," you tell him. "I can tell by the way you look at me whenever he's around."

Hoseok looked away from you. "I uh..." he sighed. "After the uh kiss I just feel really protective of you I guess..." he let his voice trail off. "Look I don't know if you felt anything-"

You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. At first he froze, but seconds later, Hoseok was wrapping his arms around you and kissing you back.

"I really like you," you admit. "I do. And I'm not going anywhere."

He smiles at you. "You do?"

You nod. "I do. Hoseok, I want this to work. I want us to work. I don't want us to be together just because I'm sick. I want it to be because we care about one another, but it isn't going to work if you get jealous of my hanging out with the other guys."

"You're right," he said softly. You take his hand and he smiles at you. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

"It's fine," you tell him and kiss his cheek. "But please go talk to Jungkook and apologize. For me."

"You got it babe," he said back and kissed your hand before walking toward Jungkook's room.

You blushed at the pet name and let out a sigh. You finished putting up the groceries, humming to yourself as you did so. You had just put the final thing in the fridge as you shut the door and noticed the calendar. In big red letters was written under tomorrow's column, "first day of chemo." You couldn't seem to tear your eyes away from the words.

You could feel your stomach churn at the thought. Tomorrow was the beginning of a journey you weren't sure you were ready to take. You ran your fingers through your hair as you read the words again and again.

Sometimes it was so easy to forget that you were sick. You could go for days and not have a single episode but then out of nowhere you start coughing or it suddenly becomes extremely difficult to breathe for a few minutes and your hit with the reminder that your lungs can't keep up. That you can't keep up.

There isn't a worse feeling than wanting to enjoy a walk in the park and not being able to out of fear that your lungs will stop cooperating with you. You lived with that fear everyday. 

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