Chapter 10: The eyes of speed

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Chapter 10: The eyes of speed

Raiden sighed as he rubbed his tired eyes, leaning over a small scroll, continuously going over, drawing and re-drawing seals. Four days had passed since the two teams had arrived in wave. Fenrir hadn't let up on training since they got here, in actuality he had worked them even harder, making it hard to even walk or stand up after training.

Team 7 had continued to work on tree climbing, Sasuke and Naruto taking far longer to master it then anyone on team 6, whilst Sakura, much like Aizen, had mastered it on her first try and had been relegated to sitting and watching Tazuna work on the bridge, 'Guarding' him as they worked.

Days had passed slowly as they waited for Zabuza to attack again, likely with back up, or, at least, that's what Fenrir thought. Each of them had been separated from the others as they trained, only seeing each other at meals as the week passed. It wasn't different from how Fenrir usually trained them, separating them as they learnt new things and then forcing them to re-learn how to work together again in a match against him.

Fenrir had always been a heavy advocate for the idea that one learns how to work with others best in a life or death experience. The only thing that went against his credibility when he explained this to his students, was the fact that his usually stoic and straightforward attitude was barely being held together, badly concealing the absolute joy he had at the chance to push them to their limits.

Raiden himself had been mainly working on learning the body flicker during the week, not forgetting to also practice his other techniques as the time progressed. One of the things that had irritated him the most during the week was how Fenrir had access to a personal scroll of Shisui Uchiha, Shisui the teleporter, his pseudo older brother.

This had infuriated him to no end, and the fact he had not gotten a chance to speak to Fenrir about this, as he had barely seen his white and black haired sensei all week, irritated him so much that the only thing that took up more of his conscious thought that it was the note the Shisui had written on the scroll.

The body flicker was a powerful technique and, in the hands of a master, could make a user near untouchable in combat. The problem was that, to be a master, one needed to be able to find a way around the stupid tunnel vision. Shisui himself had used his sharingans' perception enhancing abilities to circumvent this problem.

And this lead to why Raiden was awake at 6 am, working on a seal. Now, this didn't sound at all bad when you think that the young Senjus' usually wake up time was 6:30 in the morning. This is until you find out that Raiden hadn't even taken a nap for the past two days as he had been constantly training and stressing over this very seal on the floor in front of him.

The young Senju sighed as he turned his head, seeing his sensei leaning over him, a grim look on his face as he gazed down at the sleep-deprived genin. "Still awake I see." Said Fenrir as he watched his student turn back and continue to work on the seal. All the man got in response was a small nod from the sluggish youth.

Fenrir sighed as he again spoke. "You're going to be far less useful in a fight like you are now, get some sleep, you're going to need it" Advised Fenrir, his stoic attitude beginning to fade away as a caring tone broke through in the mans' voice. Raiden sighed as he responded to his sensei, not turning away from his project.

"I can't, I need to finish this before I can rest. I just... Can't" Sighed the Senju as he continued to work on the seal, viciously crossing out a seal as he started from scratch. Fenrir frowned as he thought back to the files' he had received on the genin before first meeting the team


Fenrir stood before Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage as he was handed a set of three files by the old man as he spoke. "This is your new team of hopefuls that you'll be meeting tomorrow morning, please read over these as fast as possible" Said Hiruzen, Fenrir nodding in response as he disappeared in a body flicker.


Fenrir reappeared on top of the Hokage monument, taking a seat on the top, high above the faces. Flipping open the first file he began to read over the description of the academy student.

(Name: Raiden Senju

Family: Shinsei Senju(Father), Sukochi Uzumaki(Mother), Kushina Uzumaki(Aunt), Naruto Uzumaki(Cousin)

Academy rating: second in class (Tied with Aizen Hyuuga)

Skills: Uses Kenjutsu over Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu, and ninjutsu

Status/Personality: Raiden is the clan heir of the Senju and is an orphan. Calm: Warm but logical personality. Angry: Cold and detached, quick to act and logical. Seems to develop Obsessive Compulsion Disorder(OCD) when highly stressed or irritated.)

End Flashback

Fenrir finally saw what the file meant when it said he became obsessive when irritated. "What's on your mind?" Questioned Fenrir as Raiden froze. The young Senju began to chuckle as he finally turned around, turning away from the project.

"Am I really that obvious?" Questioned Raiden as he continued to chuckle. Fenrir smiled as he unsealed the same file he read all those months ago, handing it to the boy, indicating that he should read it as he began to explain, the boys' eyes widening further with every word he said.

"Raiden Senju, a highly logical and intelligent academy student that can be highly erratic when angry. Known to develop a severe case of OCD when heavily stressed, or equally irritated. So I ask again, what's on your mind?" said Fenrir in a caring voice as Raiden suddenly stopped laughing, a serious look on his face.

Raiden said a single sentence that sent Fenrir for a loop, surprising him on how such a simple thing like this could cause enough irritation or stress to cause him to stay awake for two days straight. "Why do you have a scroll that has notes made by Shisui Uchiha?" Questioned Raiden, a heavy tone of seriousness in his voice.

"Shisui and I were friends, he gave me that scroll not long before he committed suicide. He never explained why he gave it to me, he just did." Explained Fenrir as Raiden nodded in understanding, a slight hint of disappointment on his face. Fenrir didn't notice as he pushed forward as he again spoke. "That couldn't be the only thing that was on your mind, what else are you thinking about?"

Raiden sighed as he grabbed the scroll and placed it between them as he began to speak, point out parts of the seal. "The note that Shisui left talked about increasing the body flicker's combat usability by using his Sharingan to bypass the tunnel vision. So it got me thinking if the Sharingan could increase ones' perception to circumvent this, why couldn't seals?" Explained Raiden as Fenrir nodded in understanding as he looked over the seal

The seal had two forms, an unsealed and sealed state. The sealed state looked creepily similar to the markings around the eyes of Orochimaru, just black in colour. The unsealed state though was an entirely different story. It looked like a set of stylised feathers, meeting in a V beneath his eyes.

Raiden began to explain the problem as he saw the questioning look on Fenrir's face. "The seal works from what I can tell, but it would take too long to activate and the repercussions make it not worth using. The seal increases the speed of the electrical signals across the nervous system but causes the signals to slow down once the seal is deactivated, stopping a person from moving for just as long as the seal was active. Oh, and it makes you temporarily blind" Explained Raiden as Fenrir narrowed his eyes

Now, Fenrir didn't know much about seals, hell, he couldn't even hold a candle to the kid in front of him, but even he could see the problem. "You're trying to increase the entire the nervous reaction speed, causing the reaction to affect the entire body and causing it to take longer to initiate." Explained Fenrir as Raiden's' eyes widened in realization.

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