Ch. 106: Like a Ton of Bricks

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A/N: 17.1k views<3 Thanks guys. 


~the next week~

~at the doctor's~

I fidgeted in my seat  as I waited for the doctor to call me in for another examination. Last time wasn't optimistic at all. I sincerely hope that this one will be different....that this one will be the one that will cure me. 

"Yoo Kihyun ssi," a nurse calls out.

"Here," I said and got up to follow her. I stumbled a bit, but managed to right myself before making a fool out of myself.

"Hello. How are you doing today," she says with a blinding smile.

"As good as I ever will be," I said with a sigh.

"Um, well...please take a seat in here. The doctor will be here shortly," she says before making a beeline out of the room. 

~after the examination~

"How did the results come out, Doctor," I asked as I dug my nails into my sweaty palms. She makes a face and closes her eyes.

"Is it that bad," I asked even though I didn't want to hear the answer.

"It breaks my heart to say this, but....," she trails off before looking away from my anxious gaze.

"Just tell me. It cannot be worst than it already is," I said after taking a deep breath to slow down my heartbeat.

"I'm sorry, Kihyun ssi. It....."

~after doctor's appointment~

I walked around aimlessly as the news weight down my shoulders and on my mind like a ton of bricks.  I laughed at how absurd I was being earlier this year. I am a fool for thinking that somehow I could be free to live my own life without it being cut short. I am a fool to think that those in the clouds above would let me have an un-cruel fate and an untimely end. I guess life really is not fair. 

Is more time too much to ask for? I don't want to die...

A/N: *Hands out tissues* 

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