(That would be how Alice looks like and if you are wondering yes I drawed that and that is the link to my tumblr account, if you want to find me just search me as Winterstorm-999 on tumblr and there, also since this drawing belongs to me I will just leave this quite simple. Do not steal it or claim it as your own otherwise trust me you will be hearing an earful from me and get reported in other words I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't ever try to do something that stupid again...ANYWAYS! other than that everything's good, I hope you enjoy this part! And thanks for reading my story)Sonic was off for his usual morning run, he hadn't woke up his little sis and bro since he didn't really want to bother them and because it was way too early for them to actually be awake. Sonic was currently dashing through green hill zone when suddenly he saw smoke coming from the hedgehog village.
Sonic: he groaned in annoyance before letting out a sigh "What is it this time egghead...?" He then dashed over to the village, he was expecting to see his typical enemy and defeat him quickly but what he saw was far more disturbing than anything he had ever seen
Dead corpses were laying on the grund that was tainted red with blood, tons of houses were being burnt down by strong flames and over it all there was the one responsible for such a sight, a crimson red hedgehog with flaming orange stripes and black piercing red eyes stood over the roof of a house as in his grasp he was holding a young bandicoot named percy, she was starting to throw up blood due to how hard his grip on her neck was, a few cracks were heard from time to time
Sonic: he had never quite felt this angry ever since that time with the zeti but even they hadn't been so brutal on their evil deeds! "HEY!" he yelled at phoenix making him look at him "let her go so that I can kick your butt and get back home pal" he said on his usual cheerful tone
Phoenix: he simply let out a soft chuckle as he stared at the blue hedgehog "I suppose you must be the so called sonic right?" He asked as he stared at sonic his eyes giving noting away
Sonic: his ears perked up and he had a grin on his face as usual "Oh! So you have actually heard about me! Heh there's always a first time, so quick question What's your name? What are you doing here after killing almost half the village? And third what's your weakness?" He asked pulling off the same stunt he used with infinite
Phoenix: he created more fire around them making sonic's eyes widen "I don't quite have a name, but I've always been reffered to as phoenix so you might as well call me that, I'm merely getting rid of some pests you so call villagers I have already murdered over 800 of this pathetic creatures on my way here *he chuckled at the memory of the agonized screams of his victims* hilariously enough some of the ones I tortured to death were screaming your name I suppose they wanted your...how did you call that again? Help I suppose it was" he then teleported himself over to where sonic stood and was now face to face with the hedgehog "Oh trust me if I had a weakness this would be a rather interesting conversation, but I was born a limitless weapon used for killing anyone and anything as such it would have been a stupid mistake to give me a weakness" he said on a deadly tone, he then created a ball of fire around sonic and it then turned itself into fire made vines
Sonic: he yelled at the pain as his flesh and fur started to be burnt by the fire whip around him not to mention how it was strangling him "Ouch...g-guys if there's a good t-time for y-you to arrive it's now..." he said as he struggled to talk
Phoenix: "oh about your pathetic friends, I'm afraid I already took care of them, hmmm although one of them did show a lot of resistance she is a pink hedgehog" he said with a small smile on his face
Sonic: his eyes widened at the mention of Amy, if that bastard had as much as layed a finger on her he was going to kill him but as he tried to talk the grip of the vines had gotten so bad that they were burning his throath so he couldn't speak
Phoenix: "Well then I mainly had have come here to kill you too, so let's get this over with quickly now shall we" just as he was about to pierce the hedgehog with his lave clawed hand he saw a sword land just near his head he then looked up just to see a gorgeous female white hedgehog with golden stripes and icy blue eyes, she was looking down at him with a strong glare on her face
Alice: "You know I would appreciate it if you would so kindly let my brother go" she said on a menacing tone as she gave him a deadly glare
Phoenix: "what do we have here? The typical last second heroine huh? Don't make me laugh dear, but then again the others were really stubborn so why am I even questioning it by now" he sighed in annoyance as he summoned a wall of fire that surrounded him "Let's just get this over with so that I can kill this blue hedgehog and leave" he said in annoyance
Alice: "oooooh someone's grumpy, hah and I though shadow was edgy! You are like his perfect version. More the reason to kick your butt" she smirked and summoned water around herself "haven't you been told before that fire can't stand water?"
Phoenix: he chuckled "We shall see about that, now then let's get this thing over with" then with a simply snap of his fingers the whole twon had been lit on fire, the strong flames consumed everything around them
Alice summoned a huge water wall and managed to ease the fire down a bit but it was still somehow burning the things around, then phoenix started to throw fireballs that followed their target at her, while she was running away from them she got an idea. She suddenly turned around to face him and created a huge water bubble around him. His eyes widened as strong pain pulsed through his body his formerly flaming orange stripes had assumed a dull color and smoke was coming out of him inside of the water.
Alice: After seeing the look of desesperation on his eyes she decided to let him go as she popped the water bubble with a swift movement, she then placed her head on his chest realizing he wasn't breathing so she let out a sigh. She pressed her lips against his and started giving him cpr, after a while she heard him cough but yet he still was too weak for him to even move so she gave him a pityful smile and picked him up bridal style, tails was already tending the other's wounds so she decided to handle phoenix herself.
After the team made it to the headquarters Alice placed Phoenix on a bed, she then remained by his side and althought it sounded stupid in a way she actually felt as if deep down perhaps he wasn't nearly as bad as she thought he was considered that in a way he still lacked knowledge of the world itself and judging by his appearance and by how he refferred to himself as a weapon he was most likely a laboratory experiment which made her feel even more...interested? About him, although she couldn't quite make the sense of it deep down she almost feel as if she already knew him...

Project Blazing Phoenix
FanfictionMany years have passed ever since the defeat of infinite and now the freedom fighters are living their life peacefully, having to deal with eggman every now and then and not to mention with the addition of a new member known as Alice the hedgehog (A...