Chapter 4.

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We slowed after a couple miles and set up camp.

After my tent had been pitched (an easy process, just pull the tab) I helped mom inside, gently placing her in a chair.

"Sorry. But I have to be all formal now or it won't take." I sat down in my own chair and turned to my mortal parent. "Clarisse. Please come in."

The brown haired daughter of Ares turned Lieutenant of the Guardians lifted the flap, entering the shimmery green tent

She grinned at Sally. "Hey Mrs. Jackson. Long time no see. Last time I saw you, it was the battle of Manhattan and you had just had a shootout with a dracaena."

Sally smiled. "I'm glad you made it out alive."

"We lost a lot of heros that day. But life is better now." I said, eager to move on from sad topics. Today was a good day. "Are you ready to take your oath?"

Mom nodded.

"Repeat after me." Clarisse said.
"I, Sally Jackson, mortal parent of Perseus Jackson, pledge myself to the god Perseus. I know that by taking this oath, my death will not be peaceful and I accept this as my fate. I shoulder the heavy burden that is the guardianship of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, and that of the peace of this world. I will bow to none other than Perseus, and will maintain my pride and strength as befitting a Guardian. With this vow, I now join the Guard."

After she was done speaking both looked at me and I nodded."I accept your oath.

Mom began to glow sea green, her hair darkening from grey to brown, her skin smoothing, she grew slightly taller until a 25 year old sat in her place wearing sea green fatigues and a cowled hood. The same outfit the guardians wore most of the time.

Unlike the hunters. I let the guardians wear what they want unless we're on a mission or playing games.

We take capture the god very seriously.

It involves splitting into three teams and trying to find me before Clarisse aka the monster does. Winner gets-

Sorry. Stupid ADHD.

"Welcome to the guardians." I said, regaining my train of thought mom chuckled slightly. She knew me too well to not realize I had zoned out.

"Come on. Lets party!"

When we emerged from the tent a great cheer came from the assembled crowd.

The guardians were over 50 strong and called demigods from both camps, nymphs, dryads and even a satyr or two, members.

"Behold your newest sister and fellow guardian Sally Jackson!" Clarisse bellowed as the guardians cheered even louder.

"Tonight we feast!" I yelled.

Every one scrambled to action, setting up tables and chairs.

Percy snapped his fingers and a bona fide feast fit for the gods appeared.

Only it was blue.

Sally smiled. "Only Percy. " She said to herself but my godly hearing caught it.

We sat down and began to eat, one of Apollo's kids starting to play music on his violin after he was done.

Soon everyone was dancing, smiling at me and mom as we danced a rather horrible version of the tango.

"How do you feel?" I asked as he dipped her backwards before spinning her.

"Like a million drachmas." She said.

Just then an Iris message appeared next to Percy.

"Lord Perseus."

The music slowed to a stop and everyone fell silent.

On the other side of the mist was a young satyr, who was biting his lip nervously.


"My lord, forgive me for interrupting but I was told by Lord Grover to contact you for aide should the need arise."

"Relax dude." I said, startling the satyr. "I'm not gonna blast you for doing your job. Now where are you and what's wrong?"

The guardians were chuckling behind me, already breaking camp and showing Mom how to bring down the tents.

"My lord. I was assigned to watch a school in Ohio. There is a demigod here. A girl. But there is also empousa.
A few of them. They are pretending to be three of the teachers and the principal."

He told me where and I nodded. "I'll be there by day break."

I slashed through the connection and turned to my mom.

She had acquired a dagger, and a bow but besides that she was unarmed.

"Mom. I know you want to fight but until you know how I need you to stay behind at camp. Your just new and I dont-"

I continued to ramble but she stopped me. "Percy. I understand being afraid of losing someone I care for. So to make you feel better I'll be taking up a support role like Will and Leo. I'll be helping around camp but I'll only fight if there's no choice."

I hugged her. "Thank you."
She smiled. "Now lets go get that demigod."

I smiled and helped break down camp. Soon we were on our way and it felt great having my mom by my side again.

As we were running a seashell necklace appeared around mom's neck.

She looked at me confused.

I held out my hand and it glowed green as I appraised it. "Its from Dad." I said. "If you break the shell it will teleport you to his palace on Olympus.    But you only have one use. Be careful with that. It may save your life. We'll burn an offering to him tonight."

Sally smiled and looked up, saying a silent thank you.

We continued to run, just as fast as the hunters of Artemis could and Thalia went from Yellowstone to New York in a day on foot.

That's fast folks.

We soon reached an outcropping over looking our target.

Meanwhile over head, a certain Falcon was having trouble.

"Holy shit. How are they so fast?" Sam Wilson asked nobody in particular as he practically fell out of the sky.

We knew he was there of course.

And there was about to be some turbulence.

I felt the tracker I had snatched from Mom in my pocket. "This will be fun." I said.

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