Hanging out

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Jordan's POV

During lunch we decided that after school we would hangout and walk around town. So I texted my mom that I found some friends and we're going to hangout and that I will be home late. I think everyone else did as well because when I looked up I saw them on their phones. I got a texted back from my mom that said " Ok Jordan just be home before dinner," so I sent back "Ok mom I will." So when we were hanging out I saw someone that look familiar but I couldn't remember why, so I ask Gizzy if we have seen this guy before. Gizzy said " Wait a minute Jordan I think that's Luscious!!!" Gizzy and I started getting worried that he would see us. Everyone started looking at us with confused faces. Gizzy and I started look at each other and them back and forth until Gizzy found out a plan he said " Everyone follow me and Jordan we will explain when we get to my house." While we were going to Gizzy's house I ask Gizzy " Ok Gizzy so what's the plan on defeating Luscious for good." He said " I'm not sure right now but we'll figure it out," so I said " OK."

Author Note: Hey everyone sorry it's been a while sense I posted the last chapter I have been busy with Cheer over the Summer and last week was my first week of school I'm now a 10th grader so I haven't been able to work on this. So if I don't upload  for a while please be patient I'll try my best on working on this. I'm actually really glad that some of you love this book I started writing the book in math last year when I was board and near the end of the last school year I decided to uploaded it to Wattpad. So I hope y'all keep enjoying this. And what do y'all think Gizzy's plan is to defeat Luscious let me know. See y'all next time bye

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