I know the last chapter wasn't as long as the previous one, mostly because I got tired of procrastinating the days. Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Kazuto Pov
Maybe we should get married.
I then headed out and bought 2 promise rings. I had them engraved, one with twin swords and one with a 50 BGM bullet, and both engraved with 'Beyond death, we will be together'.
I headed back and went to her room. I knocked on her door. "Hey Shino, I think we need to talk." I said.
Probably could've phrased it better, it makes it sound like we're going to break up.Shino Pov
We need to talk? Did I overdo it?
I walked to the door expecting the worst.Kazuto Pov
I saw the door open and she looked miserable.
"What is it Kazuto?" She asked.
"I acted like a real ass earlier, and I wanted to make up for it." I said.
"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" She asked.
"Yeah, you see...." I said as I reached into my pocket. "I wanted to make a new promise." I said. I showed her the box.
"Kazuto...." She said.
"Once this is all over, let's live together in a future where we don't have these things to worry about, a place where we can be together beyond death." I said. "Shino, when this is all over, will you marry me?" I said.
"Kazuto...." She said starting to cry. "Of course!" She yelled.
I then took the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger.
"What is this?" She asked.
"It's a promise ring, a promise that I will fulfill after all of this shit is over." I said.Shinkawa Pov
Damn it, I didn't think she'd actually shoot me! I got to get to the hospital.
As I was traveling there I saw a poster that had my picture on it. 'This man belongs to the Yakuza, be advised to not approach him and to call the authorities immediately.' it said.
Crap, now I can't get help from them, my only hope is to join up with some of the old members and hope they can help me. I went to a back alley and contacted one of them.
"Who is it?" I heard.
"I'm Shinkawa Kyouji." I said.
"Shinkawa? So you're his son." He said. "What do you need?" He asked.
"I've been shot and I need medical attention." I said.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"I'm in the alley by Tokyo General Hospital." He said.
"We're on our way." He said.
I hung up, and a few minutes later someone arrived. I blacked out from the blood loss and when I woke up I was at a warehouse with IVs in my arm.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"You're at our third hideout." Someone said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Private Usuri. Ex Marine Corps, Dishonorable discharge." He said.
"So you're my father's old soldiers?" I asked.
"Old but not obsolete." He said.
I tried to get up but couldn't. "Woah kid, take it easy." He said. "What happened?" He asked.
"My father's dead, I'm the new leader." I said. "I was shot by my childhood friend and nearly killed." I said.
"You got big shoes to fill." He said. "Hey guys, meet the new leader of the Yakuza!" He yelled.
Everyone surrounded me and bowed to me.
"So what is your wish?" One of them asked.
"We got some enemies of the Yakuza and need to be taken out." I said. "Bring them both back alive. Names are Kazuto Kirigaya or Sergeant Kirito The Black Swordsman, Green Berets, and Shino Asada or Senior Airmen Sinon The Cold Hearted Sniper, 353d Special Operations Group." I said.
"You sure made some high up enemies." Usuri said.
"You scared to go after them?" I asked.
"Don't insult us, we're Ex Marine Corps." He said.3rd Person Pov
As Shinkawa was planning Shino and Kazuto were celebrating their engagement.
Kazuto Pov
"A toast to our engagement." I said. We clinked glasses and drank.
"To the armed forces." Shino said. We did the same and drank again.
We headed to bed early for school tomorrow.
My life is fair right now. I still got him to kill, but it is great other than that.
We fell asleep in each others arms. We were happy, and even though we are soldiers we can experience small moments of happiness in our lives, no matter how short they may be.
I woke up at 0500 and woke up Shino.
We did our usual routine and headed to school.
When we did Asuna was in class.
We ignored her and walked to our desks. We then talked about what we would do after our 16 years are passed.
"So where do you think we should have it?" I asked.
"What about that place by the river?" She asked.
"Can't, civilians aren't allowed passed the gate." I said. "And I'm sure my Aunt and cousin want to see this as well." I added.
"Same with my mother, she'll want to go too." She said.
"What are you two talking about?" Someone asked. It was Rika.
"The future." I said.
"You two sound like you're talking about something more than that." Rika said. "So what is it?" She asked.
"We're talking about our wedding in 16 years." Shino said.
"Wow, are you sure you're going to make it that far?" Rika asked.
"We're sure, look." Shino said as she held up her hand.
"A ring? This early? Why?" Rika asked.
"We're planning on getting married sometime in the future, mostly after we've finally finished our contracts with the companies we work at." I said.
"How long is that?" Rika asked.
"I think 15 years." I said.
"Geez who do you work for, the military?" Rika said.
"Nope, we were just committed to our work places." I said.
"Yeah, we have chosen our work place and signed up to work for the next 16 years. In addition they provide us a full college tuition payment." Shino said.
"It's a lot of work, but it pays off." I said.
"Seems like it, I wish I had that kind of job." Rika said.
"Depends on your expertise, I'm good at what I do and they saw me as a reliable person to be put in that place." I said.
"That happened to me as well." Shino said.
"Got any places for anything I'd be good at?" Rika asked.
"I honestly don't know." I said. "What are you good at?" I asked.
"I pretty good at organization and manufacturing." Rika said.
"I guess you could work in a place, but that job is occupied at the moment." I said.
"Doesn't matter, I'm just asking." Rika said. "Well class is going to start soon, so see ya." Rika said.
We waved bye to her.
"Were you serious?" Shino asked.
"Kind of, she'd be put in armory, weapons and artillery expert." I said. "But we have enough right now." I added.
"Same here, we have a lot of artillery soldiers in my branch." She said.
Class then started and it was the same old stuff. Everything we had already learned.
Once class was over we headed to lunch, ordered our food and headed to our place outside.
"It's nice having things back to the way they were." I said.
"It's not exactly the way it was before, we're engaged now." She said.
"I guess so." I said. "But I'm just glad we have our relationship back to the way it used to be." I said.
"Yeah, I'm glad too." She said. "I hated being cold to you." She added.
"And I hated getting the cold shoulder from you." I said.
"Let's change the topic, do you really think that Yukki is really going to go through with joining?" She asked.
"She's here today but from what I heard from the administration she told them she would be gone for the rest of the semester." I said.
"Seriously?" She asked.
"That's just what I've heard, she could just be taking a extra long recovery period." I said.
"True, girls like her take their fucking time to recover." She said.
"I agree, they need to be stronger, that's again why I chose you." I said. "You heal fast and don't usually take a recovery period." I said.
"I'm surprised you came to school with a bullet wound in your arm." She said. "Aren't you afraid someone will see it?" She said.
"I can always say I was shot when I got mugged." I said.
"True." She said. "Not good but not bad." She added.
"At least you didn't get hurt during then." I said.
"I got a small graze, but I didn't have anything as bad as your injury." She said.
"You got grazed?" I asked.
"A small one by my shoulder." She said and raised her sleeve.
"That's just a flesh wound, it should heal soon." I said.
"Yeah, shouldn't take more than a week to heal." She said.
"I don't know how long mine will take but hopefully it will heal fast." I said.
"That I don't know either, I haven't gotten hit by anything before." She said. "Then again I haven't been in a full on battle before." She added.
"Me neither, nor have I been shot before." I said.
"Special Operations Groups usually don't get shot more than once without dying so your lucky." She said.
"Yep, my parents died during their first time getting shot and most soldiers even if they aren't in an SOG usually don't make it." I said.
"True." She said. "Even if they aren't in the Special Operations Group they usually don't survive their first shot." She said.
"I'm also getting my Purple Heart tomorrow, want to see me get it?" I asked.
"I wouldn't miss it." She said.
"Great." I said. "We should celebrate after." I said.
"What did you have in mind?" She asked a little seductively.
"What are you thinking of?" I asked. I was thinking of just a date originally.
"I don't know, we haven't done it in a while due to all the commotion." She said.
"Maybe we can really celebrate after our date tomorrow, you never know." I said.
"Oh~ I can't wait." She said.
The bell then rang and we headed to class. As usual we learned something we already learned.
After class ended we headed back home.
Once we arrived we did our homework which was more just writing information we already knew.
"So what now?" I asked.
"Tomorrow we got an early rise due to my Purple Heart award, so we shouldn't drink, go outside and vape?" I said.
"Sounds good." She said.
We then proceeded outside and started vaping.
"We've never done this here before, makes me think of how we first talked." She said.
"Don't remind me, you were obsessed with finding out if I was a part of the military." I said.
"I guess it paid off in the end, and I got more out of the deal." She said.
"You got a boyfriend, and a future husband." She said.
"Exactly, and you got a future wife and a reason to live after your revenge is done." She said.
"Yeah, to be honest I didn't know what I was going to do after I was done with the military and the Yakuza, then you came along and made me realize what was truly important." I said.
"What was that?" She asked.
"That we need each other to find new reasons for our existence, we're not just soldiers. We're humans with emotions, and you helped me see I still have mine." I said.
"That's what you did for me." She said. "Before I met you I was just a cold hearted soldier, I didn't care about almost anything, but then you came into my life and gave me purpose for my life." She added.
"I was the Black Swordsman of the Special Forces, Green Berets unit, the soldier who would kill anyone for any reason, I honestly don't know what I was until I met you." I said.
"Our fates seem to be to meet each other to find out who we really are, huh?" She said.
"I guess so, but I'm not one for believing in fate." I said. "I believe in logic." I said.
"So what do you call us?" She asked. "There's no way we should've ended up together in any other reality." She added.
"You make a good point, but I think it was more about us trying to find out information we were willing to get from each other." I said. "And we probably would've ended up meeting irl sometime soon after, mostly because we would've gotten curious about who we were irl." I added.
"You make good points, and it's more logical by that conclusion." She said.
"It's getting late, we should head back inside." I said.
"Yeah, we got to wake up early tomorrow." She said.
We then proceeded inside and headed to to her room.
"Never though I would get a Purple Heart, especially this early." I said.
"I hope it's the only one you get for the rest of your service time." She said.
"I was lucky it missed bone and I just have to repair tissue damage." I said.
"That was lucky." She said.
"We should get to bed, tomorrow we got to be at the base by 0700." I said.
"You're right. Waking up at 0500 like usual." She said.
We then got ready for bed and then got in bed.
"Good night Shino." I said.
"Good night Kazuto." She said.
We slept for 8 hours and woke up at 0500 hours and got ready.
We did our usual morning routine and headed out.
"Helmet?" I asked.
"Sure." She said and put it on.
We then headed to the base.
"Sergeant Kirito and Senior Airmen Sinon, reporting in." I said.
"Follow me." General Heathcliff said.
We then headed to his office. "I would like to award you the Purple Heart, for surviving a direct hit from the enemy." He said and handed me the medal.
"Thank you General." I said.
"You are both dismissed." He said.
We then fell out and headed back.
"Hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah, breakfast?" She asked.
"Read my mind." I said.
We then headed to a café and ordered breakfast sandwiches and coffee.
We sat down as we waited for our order.
"I guess I should say congratulations for your reward." Shino said.
"Thank you." I said. "How about we make the most of this day before we head back?" I asked.
"Yeah, sounds great." She said. "It's not everyday that you get a Purple Heart and hopefully the only time you get a Purple Heart." She said.
"I can agree on that, this isn't something I want to go through again." I said.
Our orders that were done so I went and got it.
We drank our coffee and ate our breakfast items.
After we finished we left. "So what should we do next?" She asked.
"How about we head to the firing range?" I asked. "I know a range that is reserved for certain members only. I managed to get a membership in there because of my training, rank, and abilities in the field." I said.
"Sounds similar to mine, I got one reserved primarily for snipers. The range has all targets with a diameter of 3 inches and about 200 yards away. Only people who can even put a mark on them are all high end snipers, but I haven't missed a single target. More than that I haven't gotten anything less than a perfect center in all the years I've been there." She said.
"Snipers choice." I said.
"I want to try out yours." She said. "It'll be nice to get new change of targets." She said.
"Right." I said. "I'll have to drive us over there and carry weapons with us." I added.
"Let's get going then." She said.
We then got on my bike and headed to her apartment. We headed in but were surprised to see a track outside her door.
"Looks like we have company." I said.
"You any good at close quarters combat?" She asked.
"Yes, try to keep up with me." I said.
"Don't fall behind." She said.Shino Pov
We opened the door and were ready for anything. The place was a mess. We heard rummaging in my room and we headed straight for there.
As we opened the door I saw it was my mother. "Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I was worried." Mom said. "I heard there was an war between the yakuza and the military, and what I saw was you were one of the leaders of the units that were sent in." She added. "I have one question, did you really join the military?" She asked.
"I did, after what happened all those years ago, when that feeling didn't go away, I decided to join the Air Force." I said.
"You need to quit now." She said. "I can't stand that you're out there putting your life on the line everyday." She added.
"You gave me consent to join at a young age." I said.
"I didn't know you were going in for such a dangerous job." She said. "What would your father say if he saw you where you were?" She asked.
I was silent. "I've accepted that he is dead and nothing can bring him back, but when you bring him up in terms of making me reconsider my life is the worst. It's my life I can choose the job I want to do." I said.
"I just want the best for you." She said.
"When did you decide to have a part of my life? You haven't been in contact with me for over ten years and you decide now that you want what's best for me, after I join the military." I said. "You don't even know what's going on in my life." I added.
"Did something happen?" She asked.
"Exactly, I was bullied for what I did all those years ago. I eventually accepted it and I joined the Air Force." I said. "I bet you didn't even know that I have a boyfriend!" I exclaimed.
"When did that happen?" She asked.
"Exactly, you don't know anything about my life." I said. "And you expect me to allow you to have a say in my life after all the years you haven't been there for me and the lack of knowledge you have about my life." I said.
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about your safety." She said.
"I promise I'll make it back safe and sound, and by then I'll be getting married." I said.
"To who?" She asked. "Shinkawa?" She asked.
"No, him." I said and pointed to Kazuto.
"Hello Mrs. Asada." Kazuto said.
"Who is he?" She asked.
"I'm Kazuto Kirigaya, nice to meet you." He said.
"Also Mom, you should stay away from Shinkawa from now on." I said. "He's involved with the same organization that is trying to kill us." I added.
"He said he was going to ask you out and even asked me about it before." She said.
"Stay away from him, he tried to kill my boyfriend." I said.
"What? But he seems so innocent." She said.
"He shot him." I said.
She looked at his arm. "He did that?" She asked.
"Trust me, make sure you lose connection with him immediately." I said. "Me and him will make sure he is brought down as soon as possible." I added.
"Alright, just make sure you make it back alive." I said.
"Fine, I promise." I said.Kazuto Pov
Once it was all over she left. We cleaned up the mess that was present and grabbed her rifle, her pistol, my photon sword and my pistol. We then packed them in cases, grabbed some ammo, and headed out to the firing range.
Once we got there we headed in. I showed him my military ID and we headed in.
"This is a lot different than my firing range." She said.
"This is one of the most realistic simulators." I said. "They have moving targets, firing simulations and chargers." I added.
"Seems fun." She said.
"Quite." I said.
We then got out our weapons and loaded them with full magazines and headed to station 2.
I set it up to have all three active. "I'll handle shots and the chargers, you get the targets." I said.
"Understood." I said.
"Start." The machine said.
Bullets flew and targets moved. The bullets were sent out at a rate of 3 per second. Targets moving at a rate of 5 meters a second. Chargers moving at 10 meters a second.
I was deflecting bullets and getting the chargers that made it within a 10 foot radius of me. Shino was holding her own though. She was able to hit every moving target with a perfect shot every time and get the ones who went after me at from the north. I got the ones in every other direction. At the end of the time we got a perfect score. Shino's precision and my close quarters abilities got us the top score.
We then headed out. "That was fun." Shino said.
"Yeah, haven't ever gotten a perfect score on that ever." I said. "Thanks for helping me get a perfect score." I added.
"We make a good team, maybe I should transfer to the Green Berets after my contract is over and work in the same unit." She said.
"I guess we would get to work together more often." I said.
"It's getting late, we should head home." She said.

My Abnormal School Life
ActionMy name is Kazuto Kirigaya, code name the Black Swordsman Kirito. I'm a junior at Survival School, and a assassin for the Special Forces, Green Berets. My life was changed after I lost my parents and was taken in by my Aunt after their deaths. My pa...