Chpt 1: Only fools dare to live

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Lara's POV:

I remember how the day had started. I had cooked food for my dad again and as usual he was high
"What the hell do you mean your gay?" He had questioned nasally.
"I-I can't control it d-dad. I just l-like girls" the words stumbled out of my mouth drunker than my dad on a sunday.
"NO FUCKING DAUGHTER OF MINE IS A HOMO-" just as the bastard could finish I hit him in the head with a pan. I had never been one to get physical with others because i've always been afraid of hurting people, but this, felt freeing. I had got my bag ready with enough time to spare, I didn't have many clothes, then I drove to the airport. The whole time I never looked back, because if I did, I might have tried to drive off-road. I remember just being in the airport, I didn't remember the trip there, I only remember just standing there, ordering a ticket to Miami. I don't know why I chose Miami, considering my mom died there, but it's beautiful and i've always wanted to live by the sea. Exhausted from the days events, I slept through the the whole trip. I had already rented a room there weeks before I put my escape plan into action so once I got of the plan I headed down there. Like an idiot I decided to walk the seven blocks to the apartment, enjoying the scenery. My nerves had just calmed down when I felt this sudden force knock me down. My bag flew open, clothes everywhere and wallet scattered. both me and the thief hadn't realized but the person robbing me of 20$ had stabbed me.
" This is all your shit? Fuck, I wasted my time on this CHEAP SHIT?!" He kicked me around a couple times, clearly pissed he wasted energy on me. When he realized his knife had inserted into my abdomen during the beginning struggle he got frightened
"FUCK!" He growled
He grabbed the knife and ran away. "Coward. At least he didn't get my phone." I thought to myself "So this is how I die...see you in hell dad." But before I passed out I noticed a beautiful lady, she looked like an angel. She had had this worried expression on her face as she pulled out her phone and dialed 9-11. I could tell she worked in a health profession because she put pressure on my wound. All I remember was hearing her hushed voice comforting me, then it went black.

Angel POV:

My mother always wanted me to be a doctor, because I was always helping someone who was injured and I thought about it but my true passion was psychology. People thought just because of my schizophrenia it means I can't do things like normal people. I wanted to study psychology because I want to learn about my brain, and why it does these certain things. Sure sometimes i'm short tempered its only when people put their hand on my shoulder. It brings back a memory from a long time ago. From when I was a kid up until I turned 19 dad had been molesting me, coming in my room at night, and hurting me. The weight of peoples hand on my shoulder reminds me of when I turned 18 I came out to my dad and my dad put his hand On my shoulder, signaling something sinister. That day he went farther than before. Thats when I knew I had to get the fuck out of my house. Fast forward a year later to this day I remember I had just left the library with some human anatomy books when I heard a struggle. I don't normally get into peoples business but I could tell from the mans tone, something was very wrong. When I went to then alleyway I noticed and enchanting woman on the floor, in a pool of blood. Blood. Someones injured. It took my brain a second to register what I saw before I noticed the wound. Worried I grabbed some paper towels out of my pockets. What the hell am I doing? I don't know her...but I want to. I swear I'm not a bad person its just in a situation like this with a stranger I would freak, but her eyes, they screamed the same pain mine did. I put pressure on the wound, learned that from my mom, and got my phone to call the police. I didn't realize it but my hands were wet. Wet? No it cant be water. I thought to myself. blood. BLOOD. My hands had blood on them. Another persons blood. This rang in my ears for a while till the lady in the reception broke through.
"Ma'am? 9-11 how can I help you?"
"Um I found a woman bleeding out in an alleyway, it looks like she may have been robbed. There are belongings everywhere."
"Is the woman still conscious or not?" "
"No she passed out a little after I got here." 
I gave the lady the address and was allowed to ride in the ambulance m. Once the lady was admitted I was struck with a panic when I had remembered I was supposed allow my new roommate in the apartment. When the very questiony officer asked where I was going I told her about the roommate situation
"Apparently she was walking to an apartment she rented on fifth avenue, is that where you live?" Destiny. My mother always told me all things happen for a reason, even if I met her the worst way possible, I found a roommate and hopefully, a future friend.

Thanks for reading. No ones gonna read this but hey I had fun.

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