The next day I woke up to the thought of me and Alex kissing I wish it could've lasted longer it was so amazing he was my first kiss and I'm glad it was him but now I feel like whenever we see each other it's going to be awkward idk, ughhhhh I'm so bored and have nothing to do cause my mom doesn't want me to leave the house again after what happened, she's not mad at me but she's glad I'm ok and honestly so am I, I mean what was I possibly thinking I can't go out and party when I know I'm not okay but it's in the past now, I wonder what Alex is doing? I have an idea maybe I can have Alex come here since I can't go there and my mom never said I couldn't have anyone over and plus I think she can tell something is going on between us and there is except I don't really know yet but maybe if he comes over we can figure it out and maybe kiss no I'm just kidding even though I want to
12:43 M: Hey 12:44 A: What's Up? 12:44 M: Wanna come over so we can talk? 12:44 A: Sure all leave in a couple 12:45 M: Ok
Alex's POV: I was excited and nervous when she texted me I wanted to see her so bad and kiss her again but I'm nervous that this "talk" is not what I want it to be about but I guess I'll figure it out
Max's POV: I have to get ready I go to my closet and find this...
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Then I do my makeup just a simple look though...
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When I finished Alex texted had texted me
1:00 A: Hey I'm about to be there 1:01 M: Ok
"knock knock" yay Alex is here I ran downstairs but when I opened the door it wasn't who I expected it to be...
Authors Note Hey everyone sorry this is a short chapter and that I haven't posted in a while I have been really busy with things lately and schools starting so it was hard to update ly all❤️