Everyone says sso is the wall and his life as in zindagi is his family but is it really true ? what or who is the driving force of the great wall of sso ? where is that person ? why nobody sees the force that stabilizes the SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI ?
Whole night was a mess for the oberoi clan here presenting you some insights .
Shivaay's monologue :
Wow the great sso what the hell have you done ? Anika always says to control your anger but how can you ??? Know what ? Serious talk .... SERIOUS TALK ... what exactly you wanna say to her ? For holding your so called "SERIOUS TALK" u need to have a sane mind nd clarity and u my dude are so messed up that u r not in a position to even face anika forget talking to her sanely .
Shivaay signed heavely .... u r so gone shivaay singh oberoi ... go sleep know as in anika's language " RAITA FAIL GAYA " . 😏🙄 And its time to clean the raita 😉😆.
Dadi's monologue :
Shivaay better say yes . I cant let past repeat itself ... its just not about oberoi's reputation i cant loose any of my family member again .... if he thinks i m being unreasonable then i m . I m head of oberoi's and we oberoi's never compromise . Ragini will bring enough prosperity and media attention to the family and also she will only love my shivaay as she herself have enough money with her . Shivaay have to marry ragini so that i can throw that anika out of my house and be at peace . She is not a bad girl this i have observed in 5 years but i cant trust a middle class person again . I will never show my likings towards that girl . She is just a burden who is protected by shivaay but once shivaay is married i can easily do what i want . Kalyani oberoi was not at peace bcoz she knows whatever she is thinking is not easy to achieve getting shivaay married in 10 days is not gonna be an easy task as she has seen many scenes which were not pleasant to her eyes and brain 😅 Eg :
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Anika taking care of shivaay
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Anika consoling shivaay
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Shrugging her thoughts away she slept in an uncomfortable sleep . Waiting for a yes from shivaay .
Shakti's monologue :
What is happening in this house ? Why is maa so stuborn always after om . She have no idea what a grave mistake she is doing . She will regret but i really hope my om has it in his heart to forget the insults and forgive her . Why is maa interferring in everyone's life ? why cant she get over from the past ? Her not moving on is only damaging my left over family . I cant let that happen . I know she is planning something for shivaay but i m not that worried about him as anika is there to watch him . I trust anika a lot she will never let shivaay take hasty and nonsensible decision . Anyways lets go to sleep and see what my maa is upto ? I really hope maa u dont create another trouble . With these thought shakti singh oberoi went to sleep .
Om's monologue :
What an eventful day it was . But i got my family , my brothers my support system . Rudra was standing beside me i am so overwhelmed tomorrow ill get up early and make breakfast for MY FAMILY ....... thinking that om went to sleep .
Rudra's monologue :
Why i took so much time to understand that O AND shivaay bhaiya are my brothers . Why i always disrespect them ? I should not listen to dadi's word tomorrow ill get up and say sorry to MY FAMILY .....
Pinky's monologue :
I never thought life will be this unpredictable . I was always someone who got whatever i always wish for right from my childhood . Me being born in rich family was a bonus . Right from childhood i was a demanding kid . But i got stability when i met abhishek . Abhishek was my classmate he was a calm composed kind of guy and i was the one impatient and always takes hasty decision . So as it has to be opposite attracts and soon we were in love . I proposed him he was straight to point HE REJECTED MY LOVE . but i knew why was he apprehensive our social status was the barrier but i made him agree and soon we were deeply in love . As time went by we grew up . We were in same collage by then abhishek was sure that what we share was more then friendship but it cant be termed as love bcoz love is always unconditional but i was always with one condition or another . I always want abhishek to be successful so that we can think about our future together . As time went by i joined my family business after graduation and there i met shakti singh oberoi . He was rich , calm and straight to point kind of guy i would lie if i say i was not attracted towards him . Soon problems grew between me and abhishek . We used to fight on every thing . Usually it was my fault . Soon i broke up with him . He was very calm as usual i always used to wonder was he in love with me ever ? But know i knew he was sure ill opt for break up . He was prepared . He left next day i didnt see him after that . I was sad to be frank i was in guilt bcoz i knew what i lost . I just broke up with my true love but at that time family reputation and my insecurities were at peak . After 1 month Oberoi's sent marriage proposal for me . I was happy but still i cant forget abhishek . In less then 20 days i was married to shakti oberoi and became pinky oberoi . I felt powerful just like what i always wanted . But still in some corner of my heart abhishek was still there . After marriage my mother -in - law stopped me from persuaing my masters i was enraged but still kept quiet . But shakti stand by me and fought with his mother Nd encourage me to do mba . I was never in love with shakti but i started respecting him . Soon time flew and 2 yrs passed . I completed my masters . Soon after my mother in law started demanding grandkids . I was not ready but shakti also thought that its right time to start a family so soon enough shivaay came in my life . Oh what a boy he was . Even after being a boy he inherited all his qualities from me .... Right from his childhood i can see myself in him . Shivaay was 1 yr old when my husband got omkara home . I was astonished as i was sure my husband was not that person who will adopt any kid just like that . But there was something in omkara's eyes that for the first time i pinky singh oberoi fell in love at the first sight . He was so small wrapped like a cotton ball . I took him in my arms and thats it he was mine . I didnt ask my husband anything i accepted i have 2 kids shivaay Nd omkara . As usual my mother in law created a ruckus in the house but i just took my kids and move to my room . I dont care how shakti handle his mother . Anyways after marriage i knew shakti and i got married just for convinence we just want respective families to be happy so got married .
Days started moving in jet speed i was into my kids and shakti in family business . But shakti always used to see my mother in law's behavior towards om and i could not say anything to protect my baby and all this was effecting shivaay too . So shakti decided something which again changed my life he made me the managing director of oberoi industries and started staying at home and take care of shivaay and om and protect them from his mother . Again my husband proved me wrong that even if he was the man he has the courage to step down and took responsibility of the family . For the first time we had a brief discussion . Shakti briefed me on the projects and told me that he had full confidence in me . I was so overwhelmed . Hence started my journey as pinky singh oberoi the MD of OBEROI INDUSTRIES ! Time again started running in its speed after few years rudra and priyanka too joined our family . Shakti was busy in his new life with kids and in free time he started doing meditation so that he can be calm in front of his mother and protect his kids . And as for me i immersed myself in work everything was going grt in my life just as i wanted but still sometimes i used to miss my true love . Its shivaay's 7th birthday , It was a grand affair , shakti called me to meet his new friend who in a very short time became shakti's best friend as they always meet in garden where they take there kids to play . I was all smiles when i went near shakti but all came to standstill when i saw the person standing infront . It was abhishek . He looked way too mature . He too was surprised to see me but masked his surprised expressions immediately . I was hell nervous , again an unpredictable turn in my life . All the memories came rushing down . I came back from shock when i saw a cute little girl of 5 yrs complaining to abhishek about something . Oh the girl was so cute . I can easily guess she was abhishek's daughter . She has his eyes and same innocense which forced me to fall in love with him . I averted my eyes to another direction . From shakti i came to know abhishek lost his wife 2 yrs back in an accident . I felt bad for the little girl . I came near the girl and asked her name she shyly said anika..... Such a beautiful name . Then i saw something which i have never thought in my wildest dreams . Anika was running after my 7 yr old who was laughing while running which i m seeing for the first time . I eyed abhishek he also gave me a reassuring look . And that was it i knew this is the justice this was what suppose to happen. I looked over to see how my son was agreeing to what that 5 yr old was saying . I smiled with tears in my eyes and smiled whole heartedly for the first time in 9 yrs . I looked at abhishek and saw no anger, no love , no questions in his eyes and thought its time to move on . Abhishek was never mine . It was an incomplete love story and it has to be kept that way only . That was the last day i thought about abhishek . We never crossed path after that day till i got his news about his cancer . I was aghast i reached hospital but saw shivaay standing with anika . I was shocked , shivaay married anika i was happy i always thought shivaay was like me but that day my son made me a proud mother . Shivaay was practical but he has guts too to follow his heart unlike me . I was watching everything from outside the room . Abhishek saw me and we exchanged our last words through eyes And he closed his eyes forever . I lost my love forever . After that day i shut myself from outside world . I was still waiting for shivaay to announce his marriage but then he is my son after all . Anika entered our house but not as daughter in law of the house but as an orphan . I was mad at shivaay but one look at the girl standing beside shivaay and i was sure that everything is fine . Anika will never let anything bad happen to my son and this family . I was satisfied that anika is safe and not alone . Rest all will happen when time will come . Pinky came out of her thoughts .
Pinky : " history is repeating again mother in law but not the one which u r thinking . " this time its not pinky who was weak or selfish nor its abhishek who gave up on his love this time its sso and anika and mind u , u can never separate them . My son will never repeat my mistakes he will never let his true love move away from him . Game on my dear mother in law lets see how far u will go to make everything go according to your plans .
Pinky signed and moved to bed to sleep .
the only person who was sleeping peacefully without any thoughts was anika as she thought whatever will happen tomorrow why to take tension and spoil her good night sleep 😉 ............
A new day or new beginnings is about to enter in oberoi mansion dont know what changes it will bring ...... ?????