chapter four

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-next day-

Today we decided to all do our own things.  Nash invited me to go get breakfast with him, Cam, Hayes, and Shawn.  I happily agreed, and we made our way down to the hotels breakfast place.  I piled my plate with bacon, pancakes, syrup, and some taylor ham.  I also poured myself a glass of orange juice, my favorite thing to drink during breakfast time.

Sometimes its chocolate milk, but still.

"Are there zoo's here?"  I ask

"I dont know, maybe, why?"  Cam says

"Because I really want to see llama's, there my favorite animals." I say, taking a bite of bacon.

"Llama's?"  Shawn asks

"Yes, there my most favorite animal ever, no doubt about it." I say

"Have you ever seen a llama in real life?"  Hayes asks

"Of course, there basically my family." I say, stuffing pancakes in my face.  "There more of the hairy side.''

"Thats ncie to know." Hayes says, as I laugh. 

"Well, I think there's a zoo in New Jersey, and thats where were heading next.  Maybe they have llamas."  Cam says

"Were going to New Jersey next?" I ask, almost dropping my fork.

"Yeah, why?"  Hayes asks

"Thats where I live, what town?" I ask

"Um, were gonna be around seaside, down the shore." Cam says, as I then do drop my fork.

"Thats where I live." I mutter, but the other guys dont hear me.

We finish up our breakfast, and make our way back up to our hotel room.  I think that the rest of todat were just gonna relax, then tomorrow Bart rented out a hockey thing for up to ice skate and play hockey in.  

Nash, Cam, and Shawn went to the gift shop in the lobby, while me and Hayes decided to stay up here in the hotel room.  Were both on the couch, sitting next to eachother watching spongebob.  

Then I start to feel really sleepy for some reason, I bet it was the bacon, curse the bacon here. Even though it was really good, curse it.  

I rest my head on Hayes' shoulder, and slowly dose off, having a mid-afternoon nap, I suppose.


"WERE BACK!" Someone screams, waking me up, and making me jump around 5 feet in the air.

"I was in the middle of a good dream, too." I mutter, rubbing my eyes, as Hayes laughs.

"I got Lorrie a hat." Nash says, putting a weird purple hat on my head.  "And look, we can be matching now."  Nash says, putting another one on his head, as I laugh.  

"Hey, what about me?" Hayes asks

"I got you a slinky." Nash says, throwing it at Hayes.

"Use that slinky wisley, Hayes.  Treat it like a child." I say, as the guys burst out laughing.

Hey, its not my fault I have a huge devotion to slinkys.  Those things break easily, I take my extra cautions.

After that, Nash, Cam, and Shawn leave the room, and once again leaves me and Hayes.  We both go on our phones, and I head onto instagram.  I look at my activity, and see that Hayes tagged me in a picture.  I tap on it, and see that Hayes took a picture of me and him when I was sleeping.  He captioned it with 'someone looks a little sleepy.'

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