Movie Time

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When the angel next opened his eyes it was about ten in the morning. The first thing the angel saw upon awakening was Dean's sleeping form in front of him. He felt his partners arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Castiel noticed that there were stray black feathers all over the bed. He also saw that the sheets were disheveled and Dean's hair was in a hot, sex styled mess. Even though Castiel had cleaned the room, he apparently was a restless sleeper.

The angel casually realized that once again he was dreamless. Maybe his mind and soul just weren't programed to dream. Technically, angels weren't really supposed to sleep at all. One thing Castiel was sure of was that his days of sleep were limited. As his grace healed he would become more angel than human again. Cas was definitely going to miss sleeping but he also missed being able to walk through Dean's dreams. It was something he would actually remember in the morning while still being able to lay wrapped into the hunter's warm chest.

Dean's music was still playing softly, filling the peaceful room. Castiel was unsure of what song it was. He wasn't even able to make out the lyrics because it was playing so quietly. The angel decided to just stay still so he wouldn't wake Dean. This gave him the chance to drink in every feature of his precious lover's freckled face again. The face he had missed every waking second trapped in the demon's lair. The face that kept him going when he felt like breaking down and giving in. The face of the man who kept his broken wings fluttering over top of the ever thinning air.

The angel listened to the slow deep intakes of breath and watched as the hunter, slept peacefully.

A few moments later Dean suddenly asked "Why are you staring at me like that Cas?"

Castiel jumped slightly, he hadn't known that Dean was awake.

"How long have you been up?" Castiel asked softly as Dean opened his eyes and looked into the angel's face.

"About three seconds.... I could feel you staring at me." Dean mumbled in a deep sexy, sleep filled voice. "Being a hunter for so long you learn to feel when you're being watched. It's kinda part of the job description."

"Sorry for waking you Dean..... I know you still need to catch up on sleep."

"Nah.... I can sleep when I'm dead angel."

"That's not funny Dean." Cas mumbled leaning in and kissing the hunters forehead.

"Sorry." Dean murmured back. Then he gave a small tired laugh.

"What?" Castiel pressed.

"Ah... It's nothing angel..." Dean said absentmindedly.

"Well it was certainly something..." Cas grumbled giving Dean puppy dog eyes.

"You won't want to hear it Cas."

The angel just continued to stare into his lovers deep forest green eyes waiting for the hunter to explain.

"God damn it Cas.... You asked. Remember that." Dean told the angel before he continued. "Well... I realized that I probably won't be able to sleep when I'm dead because some asshole angel or a douchebag demon will probably try bringing me back for some stupid ass reason. I'll never get to rest in peace as long as the world need saving. I just thought it was funny in an ironic way."

"You will get to rest peacefully when you time comes Dean. I will protect you and shield you and your soul from anyone who tries to resurrect you."

Dean thought about this for a moment. "Why haven't you done this before?"

"Because it wasn't your time yet and we weren't bonded as close as we are now." The angel explained to his partner.

"What about Sam? Will he be dragged across hell and back when he dies? Can you watch after him too?" Dean asked biting his lip. He would give up anything, even his own heaven; to make sure his brother wouldn't be the bitch of heaven and hell for the rest of entirety.

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The angel considered Dean's question before replying. "I could arrange something in heaven for him. I can try and combine you and your brother's heavens. Then I could get Gabriel to watch after Sam's soul and help me hide it."

"What? Why Gabriel?" Dean asked scrunching his forehead at the angel

"Gabe..... he has a soft spot for your brother."

"He....What?....Uhh Okayyyy.... You know what, never mind. I don't wanna know..." Dean said shaking his head slightly. "As long as he can keep Sammy safe then I don't give a shit."

The hunter rolled onto his back and put his arm under the angels head pulling him closer into his side. Castiel slide closer to the hunter and placed his hand onto his firm bare chest. Then he linked a single leg over top of both Dean's long legs.

"Thank you Cas." Dean said softly.

The angel smiled at his lover. Anything that could make his hunter happy was a victory in the angel's eyes.

Cas was glad they had moments like this again. He would never get tired of the hunter's gentle touch and his sweet sugary kisses. Dean's mere presence felt soft and sweet like a blanket of fluffy white feathers brushing across Castiel's angelic skin.

As they lay there in a sweet silence, the angel heard the hunter's stomach grumble loudly.

Castiel let out a loud laugh "Your seemingly never ending hunger never fails to amaze me."

The angel heard the hunter let out a strained laugh as Dean said "Yet you're the one who can eat and drink anything you want without ever getting full."

There was a slight strained silence before Castiel suspiciously asked "What did I say Dean?"

"What do you mean?" The hunter tried brushing it off like it was nothing.

"You got tense when I commented about never ending hunger."

The hunter thought about lying, but what would be the point... Cas was already his partner for life. "Uh... you already know food was scarce for me and Sam when we were little." Dean mumbled.

"Yes.... Yet Sam doesn't eat food like it could be his last meal ever." The angel commented.

"No.... he doesn't"

"Why is that you think?" Castiel was sure he knew the answer but he wanted to hear it from Dean himself.

"It doesn't matter Cas."

"Please Dean. I want to know every part of you. Even your past."

Dean sighed "You're lucky I love you angel..... Sam doesn't worry about food, because he's never had too. I... I gave him my meals when there wasn't enough to eat. I never told him that or he never would have taken it, but I didn't want him to be hungry. So I went hungry instead."

"That would explain much...." Castiel said snuggling closer into Dean's side trying to comfort the distressed man. "When I raised your soul from hell, I had found many signs of malnutrition in your vessel. It was easy to heal, but the extent of the damage you took from it still surprised me."

The hunter stomach growled again. "All this talk of eating is making me hungrier." Dean grumbled trying to lighten the tone.

"I think there is still some cake left!" Castiel exclaimed in joy.

Dean wrinkled his nose slightly but laughed none the less. "Yeah there is still cake."

"I think there's pie too." Castiel said with a wink.

"What!" Dean exclaimed turning his head to look down at the angel.

"Sam must have slipped it in the fridge when he brought you the other food. I saw it in there last night."

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