Mike and Elizabeth were walking to school quickly as they missed the bus and school started in 5 minutes. They didn't say much to each other but on thing that Mike did say to Elizabeth was what her first class she had to attend to, besides role call. Elizabeth but her bag on her stomach and violently opened her back pack grabbing her time table for the day out of the 2nd pocket in her back up. Zipping the back up and flinging it over her back and walking closer to Mike to show him. "Looks like Maths" She said with a very deeply saddened frown on her sparkling face.
Mike nodded and pulled his bag over his shoulder onto the ground and started slowly but surely opening the zipper of the back up. Mike has OCD and likes things to be perfect around him, if he gets something messed up in his bag he will lose it. He grabbed his time table out and looked at it with shock, "Chemistry, YES" He said as his smile widened.
Mike put it back in his bag and ran into the school gates, just in time before the bell went for role call, he quickly ran into the hall and sat down on the center most seat he could find.
Elizabeth ran with him but broke off with her friends walking into the hall for role call. She sat down and only after did she realize that she had left her time table out in the open in front of the school gates. She decided to leave it there and go to the front office to print off another one for her, but she decided to go look for it anyways, and guess what, she didn't find it. "Looks like I'm going to get a new time table" She told herself