You and the other girls were walking over to the dining hall for lunch when Miss Chung was spotted walking down the hallway.
"Miss Y/N, dear, I've been looking all over for you," she said, pointing a finger at you, "Prince Jimin requested your presence for lunch this evening."
You glanced at the others, smiling slightly as you waved, "I'll see you all later, duty calls."
They all bid their goodbyes, continuing down the hall as you followed Miss Chung to wherever on earth the prince was waiting. You paused, "Miss Chung, do I need to change? I'm not wearing anything particularly fancy."
She shook her head, "His Highness has informed me that you need not dress up for this occasion. What you're wearing is fine."
You nodded, "Do you know where we're going?"
"He did not tell me about the location. I believe this was a last minute decision."
You hummed in response, folding your hands behind your back when you reached the prince, he was standing at the front entrance of the palace in a pair of black pants and a loose white t-shirt that he had tucked in slightly.
Miss Chung wished you luck before leaving you with the prince, "Good afternoon your highness, how are you?"
He smiled, his eyes crinkling up at the corners, "I'm doing quite well, escpeciay now that you're here madam~"
He put a hand on your back, leading you down the stairs to the car, "Hoseok told me that you like dogs?"
You smirked playfully, "You guys were talking about me?"
The prince laughed, "You're a funny one, Miss Y/N. Yes, we were discussing where I should take you and since Hoseok has already met with you, he recommended this place to me."
You stepped into the car, buckling in as Jimin got in on the other side, "So where are we going?"
He grinned, "It's a surprise~"
You sighed, mumbling, "You princes and your surprises..."
"Um, your highness, you don't have to cover my eyes, I saw the building through the car window."
You heard him sigh, taking his hands from your face and crossing his arms, "Dang it..."
You chuckled, "So, a dog cafe?"
He visibly perked up, "Yeah! Hoseok told me you've always wanted a dog, and I love dogs, so I thought this would be fun!"
He almost reminds you of a dog himself, you thought, imagining his ears perked up and a tail wagging behind him.
"Come on!"
He grabbed your wrist and slowed down slightly to let you catch up to him, "I heard they bring in dogs from shelters, so all of the dogs here are up for adoption. They have a lot of big dogs, so they should be pretty playful."
You smiled, "Sounds great."
He opened the door for you and quickly followed you inside, "Table for two, please."
The waiter nodded, surprised that one of the princes was actually standing in front of him, "Of course, right this way."
The cafe was moderately full, a few groups of friends hanging out with one another, but not the lunchtime rush you would get in an actual restaurant.

FanfictionDISCONTINUED "In this competition, young ladies compete for the hearts of the kingdom's princes. They will be compared in personality, strength, and... etiquette." BTS prince AU ; BTS x reader ; multiple endings ; on hiatus • Inspired by: The Selec...