You and the other girls were walking over to the dining hall for lunch when Miss Chung was spotted walking down the hallway.
"Miss Y/N, dear, I've been looking all over for you," she said, pointing a finger at you, "Prince Jimin requested your presence for lunch this evening."
You glanced at the others, smiling slightly as you waved, "I'll see you all later, duty calls."
They all bid their goodbyes, continuing down the hall as you followed Miss Chung to wherever on earth the prince was waiting. You paused, "Miss Chung, do I need to change? I'm not wearing anything particularly fancy."
She shook her head, "His Highness has informed me that you need not dress up for this occasion. What you're wearing is fine."
You nodded, "Do you know where we're going?"
"He did not tell me about the location. I believe this was a last minute decision."
You hummed in response, folding your hands behind your back when you reached the prince, he was standing at the front entrance of the palace in a pair of black pants and a loose white t-shirt that he had tucked in slightly.
Miss Chung wished you luck before leaving you with the prince, "Good afternoon your highness, how are you?"
He smiled, his eyes crinkling up at the corners, "I'm doing quite well, escpeciay now that you're here madam~"
He put a hand on your back, leading you down the stairs to the car, "Hoseok told me that you like dogs?"
You smirked playfully, "You guys were talking about me?"
The prince laughed, "You're a funny one, Miss Y/N. Yes, we were discussing where I should take you and since Hoseok has already met with you, he recommended this place to me."
You stepped into the car, buckling in as Jimin got in on the other side, "So where are we going?"
He grinned, "It's a surprise~"
You sighed, mumbling, "You princes and your surprises..."
"Um, your highness, you don't have to cover my eyes, I saw the building through the car window."
You heard him sigh, taking his hands from your face and crossing his arms, "Dang it..."
You chuckled, "So, a dog cafe?"
He visibly perked up, "Yeah! Hoseok told me you've always wanted a dog, and I love dogs, so I thought this would be fun!"
He almost reminds you of a dog himself, you thought, imagining his ears perked up and a tail wagging behind him.
"Come on!"
He grabbed your wrist and slowed down slightly to let you catch up to him, "I heard they bring in dogs from shelters, so all of the dogs here are up for adoption. They have a lot of big dogs, so they should be pretty playful."
You smiled, "Sounds great."
He opened the door for you and quickly followed you inside, "Table for two, please."
The waiter nodded, surprised that one of the princes was actually standing in front of him, "Of course, right this way."
The cafe was moderately full, a few groups of friends hanging out with one another, but not the lunchtime rush you would get in an actual restaurant.
You both passed multiple dogs on the way to your seats, a few of them following you to your seats, their tongues hanging out of their mouths with their tails wagging from side to side. You grinned and pet the golden retriever on the head, laughing as he leaned into your touch.
You sat in the chair across from Jimin, both of you getting too distracted by the dogs to look at the menu, "Jimin, do you have a dog?"
He tilt his head to the side, "I used to, his name was Dosan, he died an few years ago."
You nodded, "That's so sad, I'm sorry."
He smiled, "It's okay, it's been a while since that happened, I miss him but there are other things to worry about."
You pet the German Shepard mix that sat next to you, leaning your head on your hand, "I still think it's normal to feel sad from time to time, I've never had a pet nor have I lost someone close to me that I remember, so I can't say I understand, but I know it's normal to feel sad from time to time.
He smiled softly, "Thanks, but 'not that you remember?'"
You nodded, "My father died when I was two, I remember a few things about him, I know he was nice, but I was too young for it to really effect me."
Jimin nodded, "Well either way, I'm sorry for your loss."
He smiled, "Well, we came here to have fun," he picked up a small Min Pin and set it in it's lap, "What do you want to drink?"
You smiled, "I'll just have a (drink)."
He called the waiter over and ordered for the both of you before asking you questions about yourself.
"So, what kind of dog would you want if you could get one," he asked, stroking the Min Pin on the head.
You leaned your chin on your hand, "I'm not really sure...I would definitely adopt one so my options would be more limited, but I would definitely want a big dog."
"Any other animals?"
You nodded, "I'd want a cat too, dogs are really a lot of work but cats are really behaved one their own."
He nodded, taking a sip of his drink, "Why don't you have one?"
"My mom's allergic," you explained, "She doesn't want to take the chance to let her body get used to them being around so I've just never had a pet."
He chuckled, rubbing his neck sheepishly, "We have a lot of pets. Jin has two sugar gliders, Yoongi has a dog named Holly, Hoseok has a dog named Mickey, Namjoon has a dog named RapMon, Tae just recently got a puppy named Yeontan, and Jungkook has Gureum."
You smiled, "I'm so jealous. They must be a lot of fun."
He nodded, "They can get to be a bit much though."
"I can see how that could be so. Why haven't I seen them around the palace? They aren't being cooped up are they?"
Jimin shook his head, "Oh no, we have a space outdoors where they play all day and then at night they sleep in our rooms."
You nodded, "That's good. Wouldn't want them to be bored."
He laughed, "Of course not."
JK: -2 (dorm 2)
TH: -4 (dorm 6)
JM: -3 (dorm 7)
NJ: -6 (dorm 4)
HS: -3 (dorm 5)
YG: -2 (dorm 1)
SJ: -3 (dorm 3)
Isabella, Sung, and Emma were removed from Jimin's list because they didn't bond very well. Because it's getting to be further into the competition, the princes have more to tell each other about all of the girls. Jimin heard from Seokjin that Isabella made a negative remark towards his parents political choices, and heard that Emma didn't want to have kids, which is something Jimin wants. Sung and Jimin just didn't have very much in common, so it was somewhat of a mutual agreement that they wouldn't be getting together anytime soon.
A/N: Please bare with me these next few months, school's been really stressful so far and one of my classes was just turned into an honors class too so I have 4 honors classes and 1 AP so it's been a lot of work and I haven't really had time to do anything, even on the weekends. So updates will be slow until I get my Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks.
And thank you all of the support! Again, it means a lot to me that so many of you like this story so I hope I can live up to your expectations and give you an interesting story!
Bye guys ❤️