➬ one

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He woke up with a jolting sensation in his chest, as if his heart had stopped and restarted in the instant his eyes opened. It was never pleasant to wake up from a dream in such a manner. He clutched one hand over his chest, taking a few deep breaths and calming down as his mind raced to remember the events of the dream.

He could only recall screeching tires and the sound of someone yelling his name, but everything else was a blur that he'd certainly forget after he drank his morning coffee from the cafe down the block.

After taking several moments to compose himself, he rolled out of bed and shuffled to his closet, hands sifting through the clothes to find something to wear. He eventually settled on a pair of distressed blue jeans and an oversized grey hoodie. He glanced in the mirror as he put his clothes on, and a feeling of panic flooded his mind.

He forgot his name for a moment.

The milliseconds where such a natural fact slipped his mind made his heart skip a few beats, but the two words of his name finally entered his mind again,

'Jung Hoseok. I'm Jung Hoseok.'

He breathed out a sigh of relief and shook his head a little, shaking off the weird events of the morning. It was time for coffee.

He slipped on a pair of old Vans and grabbed his phone before quietly exiting his apartment and making his way down the street to his favorite, and conveniently the closest, cafe.

A bell above the door jingled quietly as he pushed open the door, a feature about the place that must have been new, as Hoseok had never noticed it previously.

The woman at the cash register greeted him with a smile, which he warmly returned, before ordering his usual; a tall iced latte with one pump of caramel.

He waited for a few minutes before his drink, and a muffin that he ordered last minute, were delivered to him. He glanced at the several unoccupied tables left in the building, wondering if he should stay and eat today. Usually he would leave immediately and enjoy his items at the park, which was also down the street, but today felt different. Very different, though he couldn't quite explain it.

Hoseok shrugged slightly and headed towards a small table in the corner just as someone else did the same, and his body bumped into theirs a bit.

"Ah- I'm sorry!" Hoseok bowed his head slightly in both apology and embarrassment, and he saw a semi-amused smile appear on the person's face from his peripheral vision.

"Nah, you're fine. I wasn't watching." The voice was soothing in a way Hoseok couldn't explain, and he looked up to properly view the stranger this time.

His hair was dark, though appeared a bit crimson due to the lighting in the cafe. He was very pleasing to look at, Hoseok admitted to himself. He seemed very friendly, and Hoseok let a soft smile make its way onto his own expression. Something about the stranger made Hoseok feel at home, though he couldn't explain it.

A few moments of rather awkward silence passed by before Hoseok broke it.

"I-I'm Hoseok." He said, his tone a bit shy and awkward, which was unlike him. Nobody could make him shy, except for-

Hoseok thought about it for a moment, but couldn't remember anyone ever getting him to be quiet in the past. Perhaps he should start going to bed earlier.

"I'm Yoongi." The stranger extended his free hand only to find that Hoseok was clutching items in both of his, and he slowly let his hand drop to his side. "Here, sit. I can find somewhere else." Yoongi smiled and nodded at the table.

"Why not sit with me? There's two chairs." Hoseok suggested before he could stop himself. He was expecting Yoongi to turn him down, so he didn't know why he even said it.

"Sure." Yoongi nodded, and to Hoseok's surprise, he pulled out a chair and sat down.

Hoseok's heart felt warm and pleasantly fuzzy, and he sat down as well.

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