The difference between us lay in our names.
You told me yours was Sky. And even though it was only three letters, it took up enormous space in this world. It was home to the stars, the moon, and everything beautiful. I thought it was perfect for you.
My name was far clunkier by comparison. Benjamin. There were more interesting eight-lettered words which could maximize their existence, such as... maximize.
"Benjamin?" Each syllable rolled from your lips like a goldfinch singing its melody. Somehow, you made ordinary words pure gold. "I can't hear how it sounds, but I can tell it's a lovely name."
I never liked how awkward my name sounded, especially when I stuttered it. But all it took was you to change my mind.
Benjamin, I thought, maybe it isn't such a bad name after all.

September Notes | ✓ [PUBLISHED]
RomancePoetic dose stories for each day of September. **EXCITING NEWS** In honor of over a thousand reads, I'm thrilled to announce that "September Notes" is now available on Amazon as a kindle ebook! Thank you for all the support!