Jazzie's P.O.V.
After our group hug we all went inside and played COD on the x box. I'm really terrible at it so after the first 15 minutes I gave up and just watched them. Then I received a text from Harry.
H: hey Jazzie! would you like to go out with me to the movies tomorrow? you can call it a date or whatever you like.
I really didn't want to call it a date I need to focus on school like I said boyfriends aren't worth your time, but my heart said something different. Come on Jazzie I know you like this boy just give it a chance what could go wrong?
I told my heart. Everything.
J: okay buddy I'll consider this an outing with a good friend.
Harry's P.O.V.
Ouch. A sudden pang in my heart as I read the text. Why can't Jazzie realize I'm perfect for her. Then I let my anger control my body. All hell was loose.
I got up from my bed and I started yelling like a mad man and tore the curtains off the window. Then I walked to the wall next to the door and punched the heck out of it and I screamed,"WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU DONT EVEN CARE!!!" after the last punch I punched a hole in the wall.
I looked around to see what I've just done and mom is going to get mad.
I'm screwed.

Love...I think?
Fanfiction18 year old Jasmine or Jazzie Candor enrolls in high school in Cheshire after her parent's divorce three months ago. Later has Bad Boy Harry Styles falling deeply in love with Jazzie. Jazzie is mainly focused on her studies and doesn't notice Harry...