Helena (POV)
Laughter is all I hear. "Should've stayed home and get a pedicure instead." My head had whipped to the right listening to a bunch of over grown man gathering around while he continues to point out the differences between man and woman.
Standing next to me was Sariah. She too didn't like the disrespect.
"I bet she would break a nail once she holds this baby." Another big oof held a semi auto fire arm. We were heavily packed and equipped with all kinds of fire arms down to a small hand gun pistols.
More laughter as I watch their eyes roll back and forth. "If she wanted to handle guns, I can give her a big gun to handle." Another one had grabbed his crotch and thrusts it in a forwarding motion.
My teeth had gritted in anger. Is this the men that I'm suppose to go into battle with. A bunch of fools if they think they can underestimate me. Sure I may not have the muscle to take on a 200 pound man with fists but I bet their asses I can shoot a semiautomatic rifle blind folded.
Slowly walking up to them, the men had immediately their mouth all but the one with his back face towards me as he continues to mock me.
"Don't you see, what will happen if we have a girl to lead us..." He stop when he had notice none of the men had made any eye contact.
"What?" The man continued as I had tapped his shoulder only to be met with his wide eye expression.
I may be a girl but thankfully Katie had given me all the rights to take charge. Hell if I wanted to I could have Sariah have fun with these pathetic excuse of a man.
"Oh it's you." He sighed not caring that he was just caught.
Glaring at him from head to toe, I reached for his hand gun that was around his belt, removed the safety and pointed toward him.
This shook everyone and gain everyone's attention. "Look put that down before you poke an eye out." The man whose name I do not know, he must be new because I practically know everyone, held up his hands.
"What? Afraid I will break a nail?"
"What?" Again he repeated.
"You heard me?" I cocked the gun as it clicks he jumped.
"Look put that down little girl."
"Private, dance." This time I growled. And when he attempted no movement, I shot fired below his feet where he had jumped before putting the safety back on.
"There that wasn't so bad."
He gulped as I handed him the gun.
Looking towards all the group of men they had a rather worried and scared expression. Good.
"Attention!" I yelled with authority. I had to show these men I am in charge. Right now I have control of second, third, and forth platoon while Leo has the rest of the other platoon. Hopefully he is doing much better than me as I try to gain the respect of my army.
Watching, I waited for each man to take their stance. Their automatic rifles place in front of them, and their hand guns on either side of their belts.
"I do not appreciate me being the butt of your jokes. I may be a woman but I can assure you, I can whip all your asses. Now are there any more mockery." My eyebrows furrowed and the room has given me their full attentions.
"We were trained and prepared for this. I expect you not to die out there that is an order. As you can all see we have the weapons use them." Which is true. As for me, those semiautomatic rifles that I was offered, I had refuse. It was just too damn heavy for me to run and carry with it. But I wasn't going to tell them that.
Instead I had my hand guns and a sword of which I had customize it just for me. My father thought learning to use a sword could work to my advantage and pocket knives here and there. Yes I was prepared.
"We well leave in 1800 hours. Everyone suit up. You are all dismiss." At my command the entire room had disperse packing things that are needed. From water bottles, to helmets, and even night googles considering we are heading out once sun sets.
Sitting next to Sariah, I patted her head for comfort. This is my first real battle. I have had training exercise and was well equipped unfortunately this is nothing like the training room.
My hands shook with apprehension, I can't afford and mishap. This is my chance. That's why I had placed myself here to take care of business that and to show my grandfather that I am able to rule without a king by my side. Who needs a husband right?
Thoughts then flooded towards Edward, the way he smile down to him naked with two girls on top of him.
Who needs a husband? I repeated trying to convince myself that I can do this on my own. Men just slows you down.
"Ma'am?" My thoughts were interrupted by a Sergeant.
"Oh, gather the men out in the court yard we will head out once I collect my thoughts."
The Sergeant nodded his head before gathering up the men.
"Ready Sariah." Standing up on all fours, she stretch before purring in delight. Unlike me, she was excited. After all for a white Siberian Tiger, I bet she is itching to do some hunting.
Night has fallen as we had silently march, some on foot, and some in Humvee, while others on horse. The Humvee were in the far back as the horses gallop their way through while I rode on Sariah. She was much better than a horse as we ran on top from roof top to roof top.
We had the high ground and I used her to see things that even I cannot see.
'Bang!' Shots were fired but it didn't come from us.
Soon we had taken cover as we had shot fired back.
Giving out orders to take cover and to have each other's back as Sariah took a pouncing stance.
She never left my side as I too had shot fired while taking cover.
The buildings here were still a bit shakey from the last war. There was rubble and debris flying everywhere.
The night went on, and I heard no news of any fatal injurious.
"Elena!" Leo's voice came thru the walkie.
"Leo? How's everything there."
"Elena. Is everything okay. I heard shot's were fired?" He asked with worrisome.
"Leo, I'm fine I have Sariah with me we will press forward." As we shoot I will have my men to move forward otherwise they will pick us off one by one.
"No! You stay put until my men and I arrive at your location. What's your coordinates?"
"Leo we are fine. Just follow through."
Leo was begging and pleading so I had turned off the walkies that connects me directly to him.
"Men," I spoke through the line, "Is anyone injured?"
Static came through until I heard a bunch, "Negative."
"Great, let's push through until every single one of them are defeated."
Walking forward while taking cover, Sariah had torn apart a few men by decapitating their heads. I must say Sariah makes a great adversary. I didn't even have to lift a finger. Who needs muscles when I have one walking next to me.
Hours had gone by and the night had grown silent. Some of my men where injured by there were no fatalities yet, hopefully not ever.
Our medics where in the Humvee's tending to them while we had pushed on.
Another loud bang was heard as we followed the signed. Was anyone hit? That is until my left arm grew slack.
Sariah's ears perked up as she ran towards the shooter, her growls had echoed through the night as we heard screams that sounds like a man being torn from bits to pieces.
My knees fell towards the ground as blood had trickled down my arm.
The walkie now in my hand as the voices all were talking at once, "Elena, were you hit?"
"Uh...no." Why should I say yes. They'd probably tell me a woman don't belong on the battle field.
Helping me up, Sariah went underneath my legs as she lifted me off the ground. If it was light out, I'm sure her coat is probably coated with blood, my blood.