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for a few weeks, and still counting, yoongi has been ignoring jimin. whenever jimin enters the room, yoongi makes up and excuse and leaves the room.

yoongi has been heartbroken that past few weeks. he tries everything he can do to distract himself from the pain but he can't. even making music makes him remember how jimin always stare at yoongi whenever he's making music.

jimin, however, has been trying to apologize to yoongi. even the fact that he even broke up with his boyfriend doesn't make him cry. yes, jimin was too focused on forgiving himself to yoongi that the break up with his boyfriend doesn't bother him.

jimin's friends, jungkook and taehyung, has noticed a slight change of behavior jimin has. they realized how jimin used to be so energetic and happy but now, jimin is too grim.

"hey, jimin. what has gotten into you lately? you've been so different nowadays that it annoys me sometimes." taehyung asked as he pointed his chopsticks at jimin. jungkook nodded next to taehyung and looked at jimin with his doe-like eyes.

"it's just... you know, yoongi hyung?" jimin asked to which both youngers nodded. "you know how he has so many problems and stuff... i accidentally lashed out to him and said bad things. the things that make him have self-hatred."

both taehyung and jungkook gasped. taehyung was the first one to talk.

"what? but why does yoongi-hyung look so happy when i'm with him?" taehyung asked. jimin looked at him.

"but does he have the twinkle in his eyes like he used to have? does he have the same smile he has when he's happy?" jimin asked and taehyung shook his head.

jungkook, who was busy looking around instead of listening to jimin and taehyung's conversation, spotted yoongi with a teacher.

"guys, guys! look over there!" jungkook whispered harshly. jimin and taehyung turned their heads to jungkook's direction and is greeted by yoongi talking to a teacher.

jimin was confused.

"why is yoongi talking to a teacher? did he get a bad grade? what's happening?" jimin thought as he looked at yoongi.

as soon as jimin saw the teacher leave, he excused himself from taehyung and jungkook and walked towards yoongi.

"hyung. can we talk?" jimin said softly. he then realised how yoongi's face became even paler than before.

"j-jimin... i-i need to g-go somewhere." yoongi managed to say.

"hyung please. you've been ignoring me for a long time already and i just want to go apologise to you! how simple is that!" jimin exclaimed. yoongi's cheek was filled with tear streaks and now fallen tears.

"you don't understand h-how hard it is to stay away from you isn't it! all i ever wanted to was return love but i never got one! everyone i l-love ends up leaving me and that leads to me having no one in the end! i'm lonely jimin! you got friends that stay with you till the end and a boyfriend who loves you dearly! you have parents and siblings who love you as much as you love them! i have no one jimin! no one wants to stay with me until i die! everyone ends up leaving me once they found out what i am! i'm in love with you jimin. i'm so fucking in love with you that it hurts my heart!" yoongi cried out.

jimin watches how yoongi ends up crying in front of him. jimin saw how everyone else in the cafeteria was watching the most hated boy crying in front of them. but jimin didn't care.

"yoongi hyung is in love... with me? this whole time he's in love with me?" jimin thought. once he was back to reality, he immediately bent down and put an arm around yoongi's shoulder.

"yoongi i'm sorry... i didn't notice how you felt towards me and i lashed out onto you saying how you're weak and pathetic. i'm so sorry min..." jimin apologized. yoongi cried harder at the mention of the words 'weak' and 'pathetic'

"m-my dad... he always c-called me a w-weak and pathetic boy. t-that's why it hurts for you to say it to me b-because i l-love you park jimin. i love you so much." yoongi sobbed. jimin hugged yoongi even tighter then before and whispered some 'i love you's' to yoongi that made the latter gasped.

"y-you love m-me? b-but you have a boyfriend right? i-i can't take you away from your boyfriend. t-that-" jimin quickly cut yoongi of by giving the older a kiss.

"just so you know, i broke up with him already. so now, i'm all yours and you're all mine."




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(words: 788)

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