Chapter 1

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Justeen Harper's p.o.v
I watched as a second hand slowly ticked around the clock. 'Twenty more minutes' I thought to myself, my eyes drifted back down to my novel but I couldn't focus feeling everyone's eyes on me. I could sense their fear it used to make me feel empowered but then I realized it wasn't me they were afraid of it was my trash mouth of a boyfriend.

"Justeen"the teacher called her voice snapping me out of my daze.
As my eyes lifted everyone else's dropped, I walked to the front of the class, even the teacher flinched a little when I reached her desk.

"Your leaving early" she announced motioning to the door. At first I was confused but then it made sense. I went back to my desk gathering my stuff giving a nasty glare to the to the girl who sat behind my desk who had been whispering rumors about me all period but I knew they weren't true. Before I left I took one last look at the class and I noticed at least 12 heads go down everyone staring at me. I opened the door and left. as soon as I said that class and close the door I felt someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth

"Guess who" a menacing voice came from behind me.
I turned around in excitement to see none other than my boyfriend Henry Bowers. The biggest trashmouth in school.

He grabbed me firmly by my arm and led me to the janitorial closet down the hall. He open the door pushed me inside and smashed his lips into mine as he used his foot close it again.

Twenty minutes later
The sound of the end of the day bell ringing snapped me out of my thoughts Henry quickly removed his hand from underneath my shirt and open the closet door. I straightened out my shirt and stepped out in to the hallway with pride but that was soon replaced with an uneasy feeling of embarrassment when I saw all the kids crowded around the door. Henry looked unphased as he exited the closet.

"I'm going to the bathroom, i'll meet you outside" I told Henry as he went over to his group of friends. There was numerous amounts of good jobs and high-fives coming from that area but I paid no attention as I walk down the hall, students cleared a path for me as if I was Moses crossing the red Sea it's like I had some sort of contagious virus that they didn't want to get their hands on.

I made my way down the hallway keeping my head high and ignoring the people talking around me. All of a sudden I herd "They slice the tip of your dick off!" Being yelled by some tiny ninth graders right before one with an asthma inhaler ran into me, his hand grazing my boob. He looked at me in shock like he was about to apologize but I just I shook my head and walked into the girls bathroom.

"Are in there by yourself Beaver-ly or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh slut?" Was all I heard once I had walked hall of halfway through the hallway to the stalls. I froze listening in. I heard Greta banging on a stall obviously angery at someone inside.

"I know you're in there you little so shit, I can smell you. No wonder you don't have any friends" she yelled more banging followed.
"Which is it Greta, am I a slut or a little shit, make up your mind" I heard Beverly Marsh reply cleverly
"Your trash" Greta shot back I heard a werid banging so I finished walking through the hallway to see Greta about to dump trash on Beverly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I said turning everyone's attention to me. Greta looked over in my direction every second more fear accumulating in her eyes.
"Drop the bag" she demanded to her minion.

"B-but why" the minion asked confused on her idols wishes. Greta gave her a look of hatred and the minion dropped the bag and they both left the bathroom.
"You can come out now" I said my voice echoing in the bathroom. Beverly slowly walked out of the stall looking everywhere but in my direction.

"Thank you so mu-" she cut off once she saw who had saved her. I saw a familiar look of fear that I've seen many times throughout my time here at school.

"Wait Don't be afraid, I know you're probably thinking oh it's Henry Bower's girlfriend and probably thinking like thats scary or something but no I'm actually a way better person than people say" I bargained trying not to make everyone in the school hate me. she seem to come down at this and was a little more at ease and she stepped out of the stall and over to the sink washing a little bit of trash that had dripped out of the bag. I walked over and stuck out my hand.

"I know this is a informal way of meeting but i'm Justeen Harper" she shook my hand.
"Beverly Marsh" she said chuckling. "Thanks for the save"
I waled out if the bathroom with somwhat of a smile on my face.
My eyes scanned the court yard until finally I spotted Henery sitting on a bench under neath a tree talking. He was surrounded by his friends who were listening intently. I walked over and they all seemed to hush the closer I got. I made a shoo motion with my hand as I made my way towards Henery.

I sat on his lap technically 'stradling' him and started to kiss him which quickly turned into a make out givin it was henery I was kissing.

Richies p.o.v
We all exited the school unanimously taking attempting to overpower each other until stan said  "Holy hell"
I looked to where he was staring only to see Justeen Harper, the 'school slut' practically dry humping Henry Bower.

"God why cant that girl keep her legs closed" I exclaimed to the group saying it a little louder than I intended. Henry Bowers face unattached from Justine's and whipped in my direction I've no idea how he even heard me all I knew was thst he was storming over here within seconds, Justeen falling on the floor in his abrupt leaving.

"What did you say you fucking loser" Henery demanded his right fist gripping my T-Shirt.
"I said go back to kissing your walking STD farm" I yelled in his face, terrified looks casted on my friends faces. I suddenly felt Bower's fist connect with my face.

I fell to the ground holding my nose witch was bleeding heavily. I noticed out of the corner of my eye Justeen had moved over here and was now holding her hand over her mouth in shock. Henry walked away with his arm wrapped around Justeen as my friends rushed to me. Justeen loked back one last time and i could see a unfamiliar look in her eye. It was the look of regret.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked me concerned. "Everything is alright" I responded.

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