I can't believe it!! I ranked first!
"Good job !!" I turn around eagerly, I know that voice anywhere.
"Tobias" I greet him and he kisses me causing me to blush.
" I am so proud of you....stiff"
"Woah....umm did I interrupt ?" I look up to see Christina giving us a suspicious look.
" Should we tell her?" I say to him
"yea she will probably explode trying to find out" Tobias says with a secretive grin.
"Four and I are dating "I say with a huge smile on my face
" OMG YOU GUYS!! When did you plan to tell us?"
"Tonight I guess? I say with a shrug
" great ! "She says" Zeke is having a party at his plays and we are going ""Sure ...umm okay! "I say nervously and go toward Tobias to avoid her further request.
"not so fast " she says all I can thing of is throwing something at her, unfortunately I have nothing
"Tris" she says teasingly
I give a huff of annoyance and cross my arms around my chest.
"Tris ...it's shopping time ! " I try to run away to Tobias but she drags me with her I mouth the words HELP ME ! But he JUST continues laughing ... I will get my revenge
We finally arrive back to our apartment " okay wear as much layers as you possibly can " Christina says I must have looked confused because she says "well basically for each dare or truth you don't do or say u must take out an article of clothing " I scowl at her
"Who is turning grumpy now?" She says laughing we hav been shopping for 2 hours by the time we get back we were just in time for dauntless jobs so we leave the apartment and go
"Hey" Tobias comes from behind and kisses my forehead
"Are you ready for your new job?" I look at him his blue eyes distract me in wonder.
"Yes I will be applying for tattoo artist and initiate instructor " he grins
"so me and you will spend a whole month together !" He says excitedly" okay!! Listen up !" Max says causing all of us to stop talking. "Our initiates now have the choice to choose what jobs they want according to their rankings"
"Let's start" Tobias says "tris?" I reply quickly "initiate instructor and tattoo artist " this goes on
Christina and will work in the control room ...Uriah instructor and chef....Marlene tattoo artist ,peter control room, and it goes on.
Christina and I go back to the apartment to get ready
I almost leave ...the door was so close.. " uh hm tris?" Christina drags me to the bathroom to put on my make up
When we were done in I had to admit that Christina has talent
We hear a knock at the door Tobias and will walk in " hello beautiful " Tobias says he kisses my lips and I contained the urge to slam him into the wall and kiss him senseless.
Then we reach Zeke place we knock the door "FINALLY !!" Uriah says we walk in to see Marlene ,Shauna, Zeke, peter,al ,and Lynn
"LET THE GAME BEGIN!" Zeke shouts grinning "who wants to play a good Ol' game of Dauntless or Candor "
there is a chorus of "yes's and absolute's "
We sit in a circle "who should start?" Zeke says
" MEEEEE!! " says Uriah in a whiny voice ..."okay Uriah should go " Marlene says rolling her eyes
He smirks .." Four ...dauntless or Candor ? "

HumorThis is taken when all the initiates r full dauntless members ! But the war never happened ...everybody is alive!! Warning: wrote this like a year ago and I will edit it once again •completed•