Beth hid her inflated cheeks behind her hands. She hoped that by doing so, it might make her blemish a little less noticeable. To the other students, she hoped she just looked bored. And the teachers? Well, they already knew and were taking it easier on her for the next few weeks. So, okay, maybe Beth didn't understand the why exactly, but if her teachers wanted to cut her slack, who was she to refuse? Beth stared at the board in homeroom, it said something about an upcoming competition for the Quiddich team.
"What is that?" Beth said to herself, imagining students trying to fly on broomsticks, but in her head they looked ridiculous running around a field like a toddler 'riding' a stick horse.
"It's the Quiddich team," Annie responded, hardly looking up from her book. She had been studying for what had seemed like non-stop for the past few days.
Beth shook her head, unbelieving. "But they can't fly."
The corner of Annie's mouth twitched and she carefully put down her book. "True, it's amazing how the sport is even able to get off the ground." Annie winked at her medicated sister who frowned.
"But it can't get off the ground!" Beth insisted once more. "How does it work?"
"They adapt it, I'm sure." Annie turns away and picks up her book once more. "Look, Mrs. Lindsay is the staff mentor. I'm sure she can tell if you want to know more about it."
Sitting in silence for a minute, Beth thought about it. "But Annie, I don't care about sports."
"Okay, then don't..." she paused, finding her page, "worry about it." Annie replies absentmindedly.
This bothers Beth, but it's not the only thing. "But flying is the whole point of the game. Why would anyone want to play it if they can't fly?"
"Shh..." Annie held her finger to her lips without looking up.
Once again, Beth broke the silence with an epiphany, "What about new members? What if they think they are going to be able to fly? Won't they be disappointed?"
Annie clenched her fist then unclenched it. Finally, she laughed and the bell rang. "Those sound like great questions to ask Mrs. Lindsay in Homeroom tomorrow. For now, let me walk you to Social Dance."
"What do you mean you're not staying?" Beth asked disappointed. Annie didn't engage in much dancing and Beth had been secretly hoping to forcably teach her in class. But now...
"No, I can't stay. Thankfully, we have a lot of classes together so our teachers can just be a bit flexible with my class periods. But there are a couple that I still need to see to." Beth was still pouting a little, so Annie continued, "Don't worry, I won't leave you until Peter comes."
Beth's heart beat loudly in her chest. "Why would you do that?" she mumbled, stomach doing a little flip. Are you really going to leave me here? Annie shook her head, clearly not understanding. So much for her telepathy.
"Hi Beth, hi Annie." A boyish manly voice said from behind me. My ears felt hot. Does he always greet me first?
Beth turned, "I-I-...uh?" Her mind went blank. "Thanks?"
"You're welcome?" Peter replied a little confused.
"Oh, hi. Right. Hi." Laughing awkwardly, Beth turned to Annie. Help me, her eyes pleaded.
Seeming to understand this time, Annie explained, "As you may have noticed, Beth is a little off today." Hey, don't draw attention to it. Beth thought at her sister, "She got her wisdom teeth pulled out last week. So, she is on some pain meds.""Oh," Peter looked sympathetic. "I had to get mine out a couple years back. How many did you have?"
Before Beth could answer, Annie drew their attention by edging away. "Where are you going?"
"Class, don't worry, I'll see you in Math." Annie spoke to me, then turned to Peter. "Please take care of her."
"W-what are you saying?" Beth blushed causing an exasperated look from Annie.
"And please shut up. This is high school; if you don't watch it, you will embarrass yourself." Annie turned to Peter pleading, "Please stop her from doing anything too embarrassing. If someone records her stupidity, I'll never hear the end of it." Without waiting for a response, Annie charged down the hallway. "Okay thanks." The word echoed down the nearly empty hallway.
"Sorry about that." Beth mumbled to Peter as they entered the classroom. "We are twins but she treats me like such a child." A female student bumped Beth as her partner dipped her. Beth stumbled backwards into Peter and onto his foot.
He grunted perhaps more from surprise than pain, and somehow managing to catch me while maintaining his balance. "Are you a gymnast?" Beth asked without thinking. "Because you've got great balance, killer reflexes and you're super strong."
"My foot." he reminded me with a wince, not really answering her question, so much as bringing her attention to what mattered and actually made sense. Peter's a nerd. Not a jock. But more importantly... Beth hopped off his foot, perhaps causing him even more pain.
This was not my fault. Beth told herself. How was I supposed to know that Jamie and Marcos would be dancing so close to the door, practicing before class? Embarrassing, yes. My fault, no. Take that, Annie.
Still, this wasn't a good start. "Sorry," Beth murmured to Peter.
"Eh, it's okay." he laughed lightly, "Besides, how many times have I stepped on your toes dancing?"
"Not as many as Tree." Beth defended, though not sure why.
"Hey!" Tree pipped in from behind us. "That's not true. Right, Crystal?"
Beth's eyes focused on the interlocking hands. Crystal immediately released his hand. "I-uh... Sure, right." she nodded not really paying attention.
The moment of awkward hung in the air. Before anyone could do anything, a giggle slipping out from between Beth's lips. Catching a deadly glare from Tree, she attempted to stop the flow of laughter, but it was like trying to put a water balloon on a gushing fire hydrant.
And then, the pain. The laughter was pulling at her stitches in an undesirable way. Her laughter stopped, replaced with tears, but the wide, stretching smile wouldn't. I am going to die.
Breathe! A voice called out, whether in her head or in her ear, she didn't know. Okay. In. Two three four five six. Out. Two three four five six. Beth continued to focus on her breathing until finally, the fit of giggles had ended.
Oh, no. Rubbing the tears from face, Beth opened her eyes.

Theater Quirks
FanfictionNew high school freshman, Lizbeth Moore is just starting high school. With her theater crew friends and her sister by her side, she is certain she can make the most of it. When she has an awkward encounter with a classmate named Peter Parker, Lizbet...