Simmon's P.O.V: We drove the way in complete silence. I stared out the window, watching trees ride by. I glaced to the side mirror and saw Skye doing the same. I sighed and looked over at May who had her eyes peeled to the road. Soon after, we pulled up into the school parking lot. The clock read 7:20, 10 minutes until class. The assignment paper Coulson gave us told us our roles. May would be a assistant teacher that would assist others. Skye would be going with the engineering part of the school, while I took the english part. We all walked inside together but soon after, we split up. I walked into my first class thinking of ways that I could access sightings of her forearm and ankle. I decided a nice handshake would allow me a peak of her arm. I walked up to the teacher and held out my right arm.
"Hi! My name is Gemma and I'm new here!" I greeted politely. The teacher turned to me and smiled brightly as she shook my hand.
"I'm Miss Gloria, nice to meet you!" She replied back. I took a quick glance at her arm, it was smooth and clear, not her. I did this to all the teachers I met, until if finally came to lunch. Me and Skye met at lunch, as we sat and talked, May popped in and explained her side of the mission, she didn't see anyone. It turned out that none of us had met the teacher. That kinda depressed me a bit. After lunch I went to my 2nd to last class. I walked in and a guy stood at the front of the class. He wore a skin tight black t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts. I accidently ran into him and dropped my book.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" I yelped as I bent down to pick up my books. I glanced over not thinking and saw a scaley snake wrapping around the man's ankle. My eyes widened as I realized what I was seeing. I jumped up quickly and smiled.
"Hi! I'm Gemma, I'm new here." I said brightly as I held out my hand.
The man stood cold and hard, almost like a male verion of May. His arm had a huge scar, like a lightning shock crawling up his arm. I turned and walked to an empty desk in the back. I took out my phone and texted Skye as fast as I could. "I've got him! I've got the teacher!" Skye soon replied, "What?! I do!" My eyes glanced up, the male teacher along with the students were gone. I couldn't believe my eyes. I took out my radio and turned it on.
"Skye, May. Do you guys copy?" I called out.
"This is May, I copy." May soon replied.
"Yeah, same here." Skye added.
"Simmons, Skye, do you have eyes on the target?" May asked over the radio.
"Negative." I replied. "Skye?"
"I've made eye contact, wait no..... He's coming towards me?" Soon a muffled sound covered Skye's radio, before it went completely dead.
"Skye?! SKYE?!" I cried out, grasping the radio.
"Skye! Do you copy!" May yelled. May never shows emotion, but this time her voice cracked with worry.
"May, come on! Move to Skye!!!" I cried as I got up and started sprinting down the hall. All students were gone, no clue how but I didn't have a care in the world. My best friend (other then Fitz) was in danger. May appeared by my side, we kept steady pase down the hall until we heard a loud crack, the ground in front of us raised up and we both went flying, hitting the ground 4 feet away. May rose up first, then I did a split second after. The huge bulky man held Skye by the throat, his entire hand wrapped around her neck like a rope. She gripped at his hand but he kept grip easily.
"Leave Skye alone!" I cried out.
May placed a hand on my shoulder, as if giving me the calm down sign.
"Your all from SHIELD aren't you!" He yelled angrily.
"Yes, we are. Give up now before this takes the wrong turn." May said sternly.
Skye's face began to turn red as the man finally let go, she fell to her knees, coughing and gasping for air. I wanted to sprint to her side but something held me back. Then the man ran towards May and tackled her away from us, which gave me enought time to get Skye away from this. I ran to her and wrapped her arm around my neck, then I lifted her off the ground and helped her walk to the entrance of the building, where I sat her back down.
"Skye, are you okay?" I asked worrily as I rubbed her shoulder. She breathed heavily, I could tell she was scared.
"Skye, it's okay.... I'm here." I comforted her as she started to cry, then she turned to me and hugged me. I was stunned at the minute but then I wrapped my arms around her, and rubbed her back.
"Your probably remembering what is was when you were shot..... I understand, it's normal.... I'm here Skye. I would never leave you. Your like the sister I never had...." Before long I started to cry with her. After a while, we heard footsteps, then May yelled out.
"SIMMONS! SKYE! WATCH OUT!" She screamed.
Me and Skye both glanced up to see the man bareling towards us, then grabbed us both up and we teleported randomly to a different place, entirely. Everything soon went black.

Agents of SHIELD Dooms Day
FanfictionThis is a story of a mission gone wrong. Your favorite characters from the hit tv show break loose with their emotions for each other. If you haven't seen the show in person, hopefully this story will get you too!