⌜ sixteen ⌟

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❝i didn't know jaemin is jeno's boyfriend

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i didn't know jaemin is jeno's boyfriend.❞ donghyuck said ❝well.. ex boyfriend.

mark was lying down his comfortable bed, looking up the ceiling while hearing donghyuck talking.

but then again, jaemin and renjun hyung look good together.❞ the younger sighed ❝i envy their ideal relationship.

they've been together only for a while and yet they looked like they've been together for years already. jaemin cares so much for renjun and same goes for renjun. donghyuck was with the two of them for the whole day and he can't help but feel like a third wheel whenever the two act sweet. but of course, he wasn't left out because the two gives their attention most of the time to him.

now, donghyuck misses the feeling of having a boyfriend. he missed him.

the way renjun smiles whenever he's looking at jaemin.❞ the younger squealed as he had renjun's smile inside his head ❝where can i find a guy like renjun?

mark, who was listening, has his inner self shouting "i am here", making himself wonder why. why does he have the urge to shout that he's here, he's willing to be that guy donghyuck wanted.

mark?❞ donghyuck's voice snapped him out from his thoughts ❝are you asleep?

maybe that's what mark needed, sleep. yes, maybe that's it. that's why he been thinking about these things, because he lacks sleep.


goodnight then.❞ donghyuck said with a smile, not even expecting for mark to reply.

but why can't mark sleep?

hmm..❞ the younger hummed to a song to let time pass by without even knowing. as much as he wants to sleep, he can't. sleeping at the sofa isn't that comfortable, even though it looks like it since the sofa is bigger than his body.

he once asked mark about the guest room but the older didn't answer and donghyuck decided to not ask again. he should just be thankful that he has at least a proper place to stay, more appropriate than his 'home' that was filled with memories. sleeping at the sofa, may it be in the living room or mark's room, is enough even though it's very uncomfortable.


the younger flinched upon hearing mark's raspy voice ❝i'm sorry, did i wake you up?

wake him up? he couldn't even sleep. he was just listening to donghyuck humming to a not so familiar song while watching him squirming at the sofa, looking so uncomfortable.

hyuck..❞ mark called again

donghyuck furrowed his brows, thinking that mark was just sleep talking ❝yeah?

sleep next to me..❞ mark mumbled, not even sure if donghyuck understood it

donghyuck gulped, was he that obvious? obvious that he's feeling uncomfortable. ❝i'm fine here. just go back to sleep, i'm sorry for waking you up.

the younger turned to his side, facing the sofa's backrest and not on mark's bed. this time he stayed silent even though he badly want to hum the song that's inside his head. blame renjun and jaemin, they kept playing on exo's for life the whole day even though it doesn't match the bright mood.

silence. because of that, donghyuck thought mark fell back asleep so he thought of forcing himself to sleep. he closed his eyes and counted the sheeps inside his head.

he stopped counting at 21 when he could feel a heavy weight next to him. seconds later, he could feel arms snaking around his waist.


the older buried his head on donghyuck's nape ❝i can't sleep.

the younger's heartbeat was so loud that he swore it's the only sound that could be heard inside the room, aside from his heavy breathing.

but the sofa is uncomfortable.❞ donghyuck tried to push mark away but the older just tightened his embrace on the younger's waist

i'm too tired to bring you to my bed.❞ the older said

why would he bring donghyuck to his bed? ❝i'm trying my best to think of rainbows and butterflies here.

mark giggled at the younger's statement ❝i figured you'd be uncomfortable here, that's why it would be fair if the both of us feel that way.


the older didn't reply anymore and just pulled donghyuck close, leaving no gap between them. he doesn't care if the younger could feel his heart beating fast. donghyuck blushed when he felt mark's breathing on his neck.

please stop.❞ the younger whispered ❝i'm really fine, thank you for at least caring.

mark was too tired to talk so he just stayed quiet, making the younger think that he's already sleeping.

but that didn't stop him from talking ❝this is enough, everything is enough. i'm already contented, thank you.

he didn't want mark to do something more. mark making him stay at his place, letting him go to a high class school, and providing what he needs is already enough. he was afraid that he couldn't pay back everything the older has done for him.

and please stop making my heart beat fast.❞ since mark is asleep, why not say that?

he's not going to hear it anyways.

it's going crazy because of you.❞ donghyuck mumbled

making the 'sleeping' boy smile at his words. mark turned donghyuck around, startling the younger.

i thought you were sleeping!❞ donghyuck buried his face on the older's chest, hiding his already red cheeks.

i am.❞ mark closed his eyes, ❝see?

donghyuck playfully punched his arms, ❝stop playing with me.

mark pulled donghyuck's hand down ❝just sleep.❞ he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist again and pulled him closer, placing his head on top of the younger's.

moments later, he could hear light snores from the younger and he just smiled. why does everything that comes out from donghyuck's mouth cute, his laugh, his giggle, his snore, his voice— actually everything about donghyuck makes him soft. donghyuck the most softest thief on earth.

the older finally closed his eyes, ❝my heart is also going crazy because of you.❞ he giggled lightly ❝but you don't hear me complain.

because he loves the feeling so much that he couldn't complain. he isn't even afraid that maybe one day his heart would burst out from his chest.

good night hyuck.


i found him.

t b c

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