1 Thanks

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Note for non-British readers – Tony writes using UK English spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

[For the avoidance of doubt, everything  below this line is part of the story.]

FEDERATION by Rummy Blin Breganin

Thanks to:

Ambassador Hareen Trestogeen's Family Files; The Central Galactic Library; The Orion Spur Archives; Estraine Gorachy (my tutor); Belarin Tlim Fleradoran (translator) and, of course, The Frame.

While the book has been written in Galactic Standard language, many sections have required translation, particularly material from the working notes of the ambassadorial team during their meetings with the people of Earth.

I've registered this work with the central registry and acknowledge that I'm using other registered work as part of the book. Mostly this is with permission of the families, but there's also material for which I have no permission. That material is used under the rule of fair criticism.

Rummy Blin Breganin has asserted his moral rights.

First Published: GSY(new era) 745,822

Category: Modern History

Sub-category: Earth

Style: Dramatised non-fiction

Glossary:See the index

©2019 Tony Harmsworth

FEDERATIONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang