the kidnapping

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as dick wandered around the bat cave bats flew over head,the screeching and the bat of there wings making there presence known to the acrobat who walked beneath them, dick looked up at the bats for a moment only to catch a glimpse of them before they disappeared into the darkness of the cave. 

as dick made his way to the bat computer he looked at where the bat car is normally parked, bruce had left a long time ago and he was getting worried. this whole situation was freaking him out but for the most part he was managing to keep his cool, he just wished bruce would come home and have a cup of hot chocolate with him before going to bed,  his gaze fell to his feet as he felt that unnerving feeling of hate and resent when he thought of his foster father, but why was he having this feeling? he didn't hate bruce, right? or was that the robin inside him trying to tell him something, that could be it. did robin really hate bruce? if so then why?.

when he made it to the bat computer he put his hand on the arm rest as he lowered himself into the seat, there had to be some way he could get his answer, but how?... he looked at the computer in front of him and he could literally feel a light bolb light up in his head. he moved to the edge of the seat and he turned on the computer, the blue screen lit up the batcave as it was a huge screen, dick looked behind his seat to see if alfred had snuck into the cave without him knowing and he looked back at the screen as it castes a blue glow onto his face. he sighed seeing that there was a password bar for full access to the computer. he leaned back looking at the screen in thought as to what it could be, heck for all he knows if he got it wrong once the computer would shut off into a safety lock mode, he had to be very careful about this.

maybe it was something valuable to bruce, someone or something that was the most important thing in the entire world to him, but what?. dick had an idea but if it doesn't work he would have to ask alfred for his help, dick sighs as he began slowly typing the keys on the keyboard, he hovered his hand over the enter button in a moment of hesitation, he looked back up at what he had written in the bar 'little bird' is what he wrote. he took a deep breath and pressed the enter button. he quickly pulled his hand away to him as if the keyboard had some how hurt him, he looked up at the screen to see the password bar had been replaced with the home screen of the batcomputer. dick grinned in victory and and he began looking around for a way to contact the titans. after 10 long minutes of looking around he had finally figured it out, he sat back in the large char with his legs crossed in the seat. he watched the screen as he waited for someone to answer


the titans had been in a funk since there leader left, they were all worried if he was ok and scared as too if he would ever regain a very important part of his memory, as starfire made her way into the common room sadly with her right hand resting on her left arm she looked around at her team mates who as well seemed to be out of it. raven may have been trying to meditate by the window no matter how much she tried she just couldn't focus, not because of her own up set feelings but because of everyones, it just threw her off, and with there leader gone and everyones worry for him wasn't helping but how could she blame all of them for worrying so much? she was just as worried as the rest. beast boy sat slumped on the couch with phone in his right hand as his left layed across his stomach, his ankles crossed.

cyborg was just kind of staring off into space, thinking about what the future of the titans would be if robin didn't come back. sure he can fill in as a leader but robin was the only one with leading skills and was literally trained to one day become batman and take over the justice league, he himself well he wasn't as skilled or trained but he could lead, thats all they needed at the moment he supposed. starfire walked farther into the room to the couch and picked up silky who was currently passed out, she ran her hand down the slugs back gently as he slept. he made a small noise of happiness as he slept .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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