Chapter 24: Leaving

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Erza and Gray questioned me on what happened but I told them that she's dead and that I don't want to talk about it anymore. Go home first once we're back to clean up, so I'm not questioned on the blood. Erza and Gray wait for me the we go. Get to the Guild to almost everyone there, see Natsu and Lucy sitting at a table side by side with some of the others. Look around and notice a little black Exceed sitting at the bar with Pantherlily, Happy and Carla. 

"Kage?" I ask, approaching her.

"Rin!" she says, turning around and flying over to me then lands and transforms into a bigger version of herself like how Pantherlily can. We embrace in a tight hug.

"Oh my, yo-you're back to normal! But how?" I ask, once we let go but I have my hands still on her shoulders.

She is all black with one green eye and the other a medium blue. I see her insignia still on her stomach which also shrunk with her. She's very pretty for a female exceed. (Kind of looks like the Queen Exceed)

"I don't know but I think your father had some sort of spell on me to keep me in a human state but once he died, I bet the spell wore off." She says and I nod.

"More than likely." I say. "Sounds like something he'd do."

I'm joyed to have her back to normal then realize.

"Wait, can you still do dark and light magic?" I ask then suddenly feel light headed for a sec, gripping onto her shoulders for support and she grabs my arm to steady me.

"You ok Rin?"

"Ya, just got dizzy." I say, holding my head then notice my hands starting to glow, one hand with shadow and the other with light. "No way, I got my magic back!"

"Maybe because we made contact it might have transfered!" Kage says. 

"Probably!" I say happily.

I tell Erza and Makarov who couldn't believe it then we all started to celebrate, but I didn't feel like celebrating much so I sat up on the roof by the bell, going over what Solna told me. Shedding a few tears as I do. 

After a bit, I have decided that I can't stay here, I need to leave for a while... Till the time comes at least.

After a little while I hear someone coming up. Look behind me and see Mira with a  few drinks in her hand.

"I thought I would find you up here." She says sweetly. "What are you doing up her all by yourself?"

"Just thinking." I say, looking back up at the moon and she stands beside me.

She hands me one of the drinks.

"Here, I brought you something." She says and I'm hesitant. "I know you don't wanna celebrate but we should. Kage is back to normal and you have your powers back."

I take it after listening to what she said and agree. Should be a little happy but it's hard... Especially with what happened.

We look over into the city and sky. It's silent between us.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asks out of the blue.

I sigh and look down at my glass, feeling the pain in my chest and the back of my throat, trying to stop tears. I take a sip at my drink and then find myself gulping it down. Seems I needed a drink.

Mira's POV

Once I saw Rin downing the drink I gave her, I smirked a little.

Game on. I thought to myself then waited once she was done.

Past Vs. Future; A Fairy Tail Fanfic NatsuxOCWhere stories live. Discover now