Part one

6 0 0

Suga's pov

i was getting up of the bed and walking to the table to eat some breakfast while i notice something is strange today. I saw jungkook having no emotions as if he is not a person

jungkook i called he didn't respond i went to him and suddenly he punch me. i was so shock 

jungkook!!! - me i try to avoid his attacks but his to strong 

jungkook - rm as he try to stop him from attacking me

what happen - jk 

you were unconscious -me he saw my wounds

did i do that to you hyung -jk

no i hurt myself don't worry. i don't want to tell him cause i know he will blame himself after all i know his past 

are you alright hyung - rm 

yup its just a small wound  i said as i continue eating my meal

Jk's Pov

get away from me your a monster he said as he try to beat me i didn't know why he did it 

what did i do appa i cried but he just see me as a monster

i regret raising you . why did i have a son just like you - dad

i'm sorry dad if only i stay away from trouble eomma would not die


i left and look for a place to stay . i saw a dark tunnel its kinda scary but it looks good i went to that cave and i saw 6 people gather 

someone saw me and ask

who are u - jimin

i am Jungkook  - me

nice to meet you so why did you come here - suga

well i was looking for a place to stay - me

well there is no room here so just get out - suga

i am sorry for disturbing you i should go -me

he looks awful - jin

hey wait -suga


well you could stay here -suga

thank you so much i said and sat on the couch.

here he said as he hand me a hot drink i'm seokjin by the way you can call me jin - jin

nice to meet you -me

and this is rm , jimin , v, suga , jhope - jin as he point to the other guys

so what happen . why did you look for a place to stay - suga

well i was lost and found a tunnel -me

😧 how old are you - suga

i'm 13 

wow your still young

suga quit asking lets all sleep - jin

sorry, well lets all stay for the night  jin said


hey jk get up -v

what ?-me


lets go-v

where hyung - me

well i will show you how we do our job - suga

ok i reply and went with them.afterwards i learn how they stole things and sell it to earn a living and we all share the money in order to live how cruel life is but somehow i learn to manage it 

well thats all for now lets all go back home -rm

jk from now on you are now part of us welcome to our group - rm

thank you hyung -me

well lets all celebrate i have some snacks here -jin

kampaii!! -all


sighs i wish i could be with them but i said in my mind. i walk alone while they were asleep, i went to the streets to relieve myself while i was walking a stumble some people fighting. i watch them for awhile when someone speak to me

what are you doing here -suga

i was just walking i told him and we watch the fight when suddenly someone grab me and drag me to them 

wtf i said and try to escape it but they hold me and send me back there 

hey kid you should not be here -person 1 

yeah you should get lost before we tear you to pieces - person 2

well you can't run anymore so its either you die or come with us -person 3

i shook why are they dragging me here but i had no choice but to stay quiet dont make a move jk or they will die i told myself 

well what now kid -person 3

well lets go boss - person 1






i grab his arms and twist it

urgh- person 1

i kick there legs and punch there stomach

who his strong =person1

he grabs some bullet and point it to my face i was scared but no i should not be scared i grab the bullet and shoot it , he let it go and i point to him

so what know i said while smiling from my face 

you're a monster he said while running away 

i heard some sirens and run away try to hide from them , i went home and take my rest.


jungkook get up breakfast is here - jin

i get up and eat some breakfast. i saw suga hyung , i suddenly remember what happened last night, he look at me and i smile at him while drinking my milk. we are on the train station while waiting for the others to be here suga and i talk some things

so jk what are you really , i saw you last night and i was shocked -suga

sighs do you want  to know -me

not that i am curios but i was wondering why did you stay with us i mean you can fight and stuff -suga

well its kinda long story - me

well i am all ears -suga

ok here it goes 

i ran away from home  this is what happen

when i was a child i lived with my 2 siblings . eomma and appa. my eomma is the only one there for me while my appa is always busy with his job in the ships . i was the oldest of my sibling so i have the responsibility to my 2 siblings . one day i got into a fight and i keep quiet about it and lie to my eomma that i hurt myself all the times until this happen . i was preparing myself to go home it was raining at that time and i was waiting for the bus to arrive. when i reach home i was shook that my house was destroyed so i hurried inside to see some gang rape my eomma , i  tried to fight them and i succeeded as i was fighting i heard my eomma say something as i turn my head to her i saw herself bathed with blood i rush to her

eomma please hold on please i beg her dont please dont leave me -me

i am so sorry Jungkook but promise me something please take care of june and  joon for me and you should be strong for them your there old brother - eomma

eomma please don't die - me

please take care i told those boys to hid in the basement so that they wont be find - eomma as she took her last breathe 


my appa arrived with a swollen face i guess he was crying while on the plane, well joon and june are being taken cared with my cousins .i was still mourning for eomma. we arrange her funeral for 9 days and appa arrive on the 7th  day .

i'm so sorry jungkook if only i was there -alex

i am fine , just comfort my appa there i know he is still shocked

days go by and things are changing  appa was getting colder he focus on his job while i take charge of my younger siblings 

i came home from my part time and saw appa at the living room

where have you've been he said while holding a beer

i just got home from my work appa i replied 

he went to me and  bogsh he slap me 

what did i do appa -me

you monster because of you riko died and because of you i lost her he shouted

but its not my fault she died i respond 

no its your fault you i regret to have a son like you he said and walk away

i was crying in my room what did i do wrong i was just protecting them why. this is the last time he saw me, joon and june i am sorry but hyung has to go away but i promise i will be back love hyung i put my letter in their desk and get my things and leave that house 


wow thats kinda sad - suga 

yup if only i protect eomma i said as i wiped my tears

well i don't know what to say but here he said as he hugged me 

thank you 


i leave this here for now

please beware for some misspelled or grammar.

thank you 


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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