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Danielle has sent me a congratulatory card for my first day of college, which probably would have went well if not for this absolute garbage. I thought I'd check the mail before heading to class but now I very much regret it. Da fuq is dis?

Opening the card, I find a quick note, something about "do your best" followed by her signature as well as that shit face, Chad's, and even Will's. He has horrible writing by the way, and he dotted the "i" with a smiley face. Grumbling, I shove the card back into the envelope then stomp out to my car, unsure of what exactly I'm going to do with this thing.

Throw it away? Put it on the fridge? Sit it somewhere on an end table? Stash it away in a drawer and never look at it again? Who knows!

My first instinct is to rip it to shreds and throw it in the trash. I nearly do it too, sitting in my car outside school with every intention to tear it apart. However, I feel a bit guilty because it's not like the card has done anything. It's a fucking piece of paper...but it's the thought that aggravates me.

Didn't she say that "there are better jobs"? So why is she sending me a card like she isn't disappointed in my life choices? And why the hell did she let that douche Chad sign it?! Will, I can guess why he did. He doesn't understand what the hell's going on because he's a child, lucky him. Maybe she was also hoping she'd get some sympathy points, that I wouldn't throw it away because a kid signed it, a kid that happens to be my half brother. Maybe he isn't so lucky.

I roll my eyes and shove the card into the dash compartment. I'll deal with it later. I'm going to be late to class.

So, after grabbing my bag, I step out of my car and head into my first class of the day. It's a general education requirement, a simple math class that I share with Sonya and Olivia! I'm pretty happy with that, although, we did all sign up for it together on purpose. I also share my freshman seminar with them so that's cool too.

Taking a seat, I wait patiently for my friends to arrive. When they do, Olivia looks exhausted, even with Sonya holding her hand. Ah, what a lovely sight.

"You look thrilled."

Olivia glares before pulling out the chair next to me. I flinch when it screeches while Sonya physically gags at the sound. The both of them sit down, Olivia practically passing out on the desk while Sonya laughs.

"This is why I didn't pick any classes before 9am," I sing, poking Olivia's cheek until she swings her head around and snaps at me. What is she, a fucking snapping turtle?!

"Be quiet," Olivia hisses, grumbling while she buries her head in her arms. "I'm so tired."

"Sonya had a 7am class too and she looks fine." I send her a wink that she rolls her eyes at.

"She's crazy."

Sonya gasps and looks to her girlfriend with wide eyes. Olivia is probably smirking at her. I can't see from the angle I'm sitting at but, judging by the way Sonya's starting to smile, yeah, Olivia's definitely smirking or, at least, smiling at her.

"I was only in there for like 20 minutes anyways!" Olivia announces, sitting up while throwing her arms wildly in the air. "Why bother having the class if you're only going to have 20 minutes of it?"

"Because they have to go over the syllabus at some point," Sonya answers, pulling out her notebook and folder. It's about time for our 9am to start and, like Olivia's first class, we probably won't be here long.

"Can't they do that through email?"

"Do you think anyone would actually read that?"

I nod because I know I'd be one of the students that didn't read it. Olivia purses her lips into a cute pout then crosses her arms while saying nothing. Sonya looks at me with a grin then turns her attention to the board when our professor walks in. I must admit, I'm jealous of Sonya and Olivia, who get to see each other everyday even if they don't share a lot of classes together. At least they're on the same campus while my boyfriend has to be a year behind!

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