Okay ladies and gents this is my first ever KPOP fanfiction, I've written Harry Styles fanfictions a lot (like a lot 😂) and I literally have another account for all those books but this account is specifically for KPOP related stuff.
I know how we all are in this fandom so I ask you to keep your panties out of your ass as you read this, it is just FICTION, okay, just for fun so relax🙆🏾🙆🏾🤙🏾
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Btw it can get suffocating (just a little warning) but if you have a thing for fuckboy V and literally fuckboy every member in BTS then *takes a commercial voice* this is the right book for you!
I've been reading so many different BTS fanfics but I'm a multifandom kind of bitch so I just stocked all my faves into this book so don't be surprised when you'll see a member from a group you stan just out of the blue, lol, just wanted to give this a try just for fun, so we'll see where this goes...
With no further ado here's BONDED. ENJOY YOU KINKY BABES