~Chapter 3 - Changes~

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Okay guys we are getting closer to when the boys arrive so don't get mad at me because there another chapter with no BTS in it, I promise they will arrive soon!

~~Maia P.O.V~~

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I heard my phone playing my favourite song, as reached over and was about to check the caller ID it stopped, "oh well, hopefully they'll call back......" I said to myself as I started to walk to the kitchen, as I was walking I passed the mirror, stopped, and went back to see how messy my hair was today...... It was a complete mess... but at least my PJ's made me look freaking adorable! 

After I grinned at how adorable I looked I continued on my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast, but first of course I'm going to make some coffee, because coffee = life

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After I grinned at how adorable I looked I continued on my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast, but first of course I'm going to make some coffee, because coffee = life.

As I walked into the kitchen my phone started to ring again, I looked at the caller ID and smiled, "Heyyyyy" I practically shouted into the phone as I put the coffee pod into the machine, "Yeah I miss you guys too" I laughed to my friend as I turned on the machine and started to circle the island counter, "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry I didn't  pick up earlier" I grinned as I heard the ding signalling coffee was ready, "Anyway sorry to cut this short, I know how busy you all are but my coffee is calling me! Say that I miss everyone! Byeeee"  

I smiled sadly as I picked up my coffee, The boys are always so busy but they always find time to catch up with me... anyway he said he had news to tell me later and he'd call me back... I wonder what it is... I thought to myself as I turned on the tv, "Okay, I'm bored and scared to wake up Y/N lets put some music on and scroll through Tumblr like a depressed potato!" (I'm sorry but I have never related more to a sentence xD - Niko)  I grinned as I put on one of my favourite songs "scratch that, lets have a sad, lonely dance party" I laughed as I stood up and started a mini performance.

As I finished my 'amazing' performance I heard laughing behind me and turned around to find Y/N trying to hold in her laughter while also trying to record me... "Y/N....... Give. me. the. phone" I said darkly as I watched her face slowly turn to terror as she backed away, "Delete it." I glared at her, "I swear I wont share it with anyone!" she continued to back away "Delete. It. NOW" I repeated "OKAY, OKAY, OKAY! fine, ill delete it" She said looking defeated, But as I looked at her again something seemed wrong...

"Hey Y/N.... are you okay" I asked worryingly to my best friend, "Yeah? well I do feel kinda feint, and hungry.. why?" She responded with a confused look on her face. " You look so pale.... and your hair it seems..... darker? same with your eyes.... you look ill" I explained while putting my hand on her forehead, She doesn't have a fever... what could be wrong... "So I look like a panda? Like usual? pffttt c'mon Maia you should know I always look like a panda, like seriously I have giant bags under my eye-" She responded chuckling "No! that isn't it! The bags under your eyes are completely gone! and your skin looks nearly white! Look in the mirror!" I interrupted while pushing her towards the mirror

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