(Y/N) = your name
(L/N) = last name
(F/C) = favourite colour
(F/F) = favourite flower
(H/C) =hair colour
(W/C) =weapon choice
(H/L) = hair length
(S/F/C) =second favourite colour
_______________________(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N) (L/N)! Please wake up!" People yelled, their voices fading along with me. Everything goes silent, no voices could be heard only the small faint pound of my heart. But soon that disappeared too. Leaving me in a dark quiet space.
Aaron's POV
We are worried for her, especially me. If she died i don't know what i would do, I'm scared for her. I looked over to her face, her (H/L) (H/C) hair makes her (S/F/C) ears stand out. I examined her body, she looks beautiful, her tail hanging out form under her. I stared at her tail for a bit. It swaying slightly, when it dropped her hand fell shortly after her tail. "(Y/N)?" I whispered, all the guys looked at me with worry in their eyes. I stood up from my chair and walked over to her, i moved my head closer to try to listen to her breath but nothing was coming out. "GUYS SHE'S NOT BREATHING" i yelled my voice breaking in emotion, they all ran up to me and (Y/N), when the door slammed open reviling Aphmau and Katlyn their eyes filled with tears. Katlyn held a small basket filled with the herbs to try and heal (Y/N). Aphmau walked up to her and brushed her hair out of her face, she looked down at her and breathed heavily while grabbing her hand but before she could speak she dropped (Y/N)'s hand and broke down in tears while dropping to the ground. Katlyn shoved me away from (Y/N) and gave her some herbs, when there was no progress a few of the guys started to cry. A few moments later (Y/N)'s chest started to rise, "she's breathing!" Aphmau cried out loud, i smiled softly and dried my face.
Time skip *1 month later
It's been a month and (Y/N) hasn't woken up yet, but she's still breathing. I'm starting to think she's never going to wake up. I suddenly felt a hand go on my shoulder i looked over to see aphmau, she seem worried about me. "Are you okay?" She asked while showing me to the nearest bench, we sat down then i spoke, "I'm starting to think (Y/N) isn't going to wake up. I mean its been a month and nothing has happened.." i looked at aphmau to see her reaction, she seemed offended by my theory, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! SHE'S BREATHING ISN'T THAT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" Aphmau screamed tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, you could tell she hasn't slept at all by the dark circles, instead she's been watching (Y/N) just in case she woke up.
Aphmau's POV
I yelled a Aaron because of how selfish he was, well maybe i went to far but i'm happy that she's breathing, instead of lying there on her deaths door. I looked straight into his eyes and shook my head. "You May NEVER talk or see her, you selfish prick!" I yelled, i stood there and watched his mouth drop. "Omi I'm sorry I didn't mean it." I said while walking towards Aaron with sorrow in my eyes. To stood up and walked away.
Damn what have I done, (Y/N) is like a sister to me i never want anyone to say or hurt her in anyway.Time skip *1 year later
(Y/N)'s POV
I awake with a start, feeling no pain at all. I sit up and look around. The place looked rundown, vines were starting to grow in side the door. I stood up and looked at my clothes they were torn directly in the middle of my stomach, i lifted what's left of my blooded shirt to see a large scar, "how? I can't remember if i got shot?" I mumbled, i looked around the room. I was in my room, there where many blood stains and used bandages that covered the ground. I cringed slightly. Just then a bright light filled the room blinding me. When it stopped i looked at the side table, there was a note from Irene.
Hello my dear, please follow my wish and travel the world.
I also granted you immortality, but shad being a butthead he had to grant something bad,
Shad granted that if you don't find love in exactly one year, he will take you to become the queen of all
Shadow knights, and no happy ending will happen, but i counter acted that spell with if you do kiss a human within one year you will become the most powerful human ever.Please, plus i love you (Y/N).
Love, Irene
I stared at the note trying to get my mind to think. Soon i heard footsteps. I quickly hid in my closet, the door slammed open and two people were fighting then it got supper quite. Like they were shocked, to be honest i couldn't remember their voices. I peaked through the doors little opening and saw a girl with midnight hair and a guy with blonde hair. They looked like strangers, "where is she!?" The male yelled sounding panicked, the girl just stood there in shock, they then ran out my room and started screaming, I immediately got out of the closet and ran downstairs. My door was wide open revealing a field of wheat, and ahead of that was a forest. I looked around and left a note to these people that obviously seem worried about me, i wrote on a napkin
Whoever you people are I'm going to leave to travel the world,
i cant remember any of you sorry so please don't follow me....Love, (Y/N) I think, that's what Irene called me.
I placed it on the table with a flower on it, I thought of a game plan and turned myself into a wolf, I'm faster when I'm a wolf. I snuck out into the wheat field, the wheat is taller then me so it covered me, i started to run faster when i started to hear the footsteps of knights, i stopped before the clearing. A Plath was in my way, if I randomly started running they would be suspicious of a random wolf. I quickly turned back into a human and walked towards the forest coving my face, one of the knights stopped me. "Turn around miss!" He yelled, i turned around facing the guard. He looked at me and smiled while pulling me into a hug, i struggled to get free but I eventually kicked him in the balls and got set free, i ran into the forest.
I looked back and multiple guards were following me, "(Y/N)!" They all called, i soon stopped frustratingly rubbing my head. "Where AM I!" I yelled, soon all the guards caught up and stood around me. That's when i randomly turned into a bird and shot up into the sky, "wow.." one of the guys yelled, " Don't just stand there we need to catch her, she cant seem to remember where she is so we need to catch her and try to remind her!' Another one said. "Follow that bird!!" More said, i looked down and they kept running but i was gaining on them. In the distance i could see a dock with a small ship. I sped closer to the ship and landed on in hosting the sail down and cranking the wheel to exit the dock. The ship started to move, off the land and into the ocean. I looked back to land, all the guards stood at the edge of the dock breathing heavily, soon the girl with midnight hair joined them, "(Y/N) COME BACK!" She cried, i watched as she dropped to the ground sobbing. I looked back to the ocean and followed the sunset.
Was that all a dream.. because if it is i want to wake up.

The wolf life (MCD boys x reader) [under small editing]
FanfictionA wolfs life. (Y/N) was just 20 when her village was burned down by Zane. She dreamed to see the day she would smile again, but the hopes for that ever happening was low. When Phoenix drop guards find her and take her in she starts to feel something...