Out Of Time Fix-it: By Gamora Anderson

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Three people walked out from a small old fashioned plane. Well not so old fashioned, it had indeed been built in the fifties but circumstances made it brand new to this time.

The pilot of this plane, a lovely tall dark haired woman named Diane who had the glare that could fell a man at twenty feet, walked over to the woman standing on the runway. Diane hadn't seen this woman before, but her stance gave of something like being in charge so she was clearly the person to talk to.

"Hello there." Diane greeted. The woman gave a curt nod. "Apologies for the unplanned touchdown. Just hit some rotten turbulence. That's a daring hairstyle."

The woman smiled. Her red painted lips stretched into a stilted smile. She spoke with an American accent, one of the odd ones that Diane couldn't place. "I have nieces, and one likes to paint." The woman pointed to her tomato red hair. It only made her purple eyes stand out all the more. "Apparently my hair was an option. Who knew?"

Diane could only give a confused smile back. "Diane Holmes, pilot." She introduced herself, holding out her hand.

"Gamora Anderson." The woman supplied. "Delivery woman."

"Is this some sort of secret base?" Diane asked.

"Not yet." Gamora replied. "This everyone? Diane Holmes, John Ellis, and Emma Louise Cowell?"

"Yes." Diane replied.

"Everything all right?" John asked, walking towards the two women.

"How long before we head off again? My uncle's expecting me." A young blonde girl, everything you expected of a twenty something named Emma- explained.

"That depends." Gamora began. "When did you leave?"

"About half an hour ago." Diane supplied.

"Then you'll be there in half an hour." Gamora explained. She had a more knowing look on her face now, like she had the world's best secret and she was never letting you know it. "I know a shortcut."

She pulled out a small remote. The dark red minivan behind her clicked it's lights. Diane thought it was an extremely fancy car for something so small to fix.

"No it's alright, my plane-" Diane began.

"Don't you worry about it. I'm having some people take care of it. The Haven has a garage for a reason after all." Gamora assured her. "Besides do you really wanna go back up there with the turbulence you just had?"

Diane had no argument for that.

"Gather up all your stuff. I'm not taking a second trip out here." Gamora advised the passengers.

Emma and John obeyed the command. Diane had nothing but what she had been wearing. It wasn't supposed to be a long trip for her like it was for them. Ten minutes later they were all ready to go.

From far down the runway, a van was pulling up. It was driving quite fast.

"Whoops. They fixed the stoplights." Gamora noted, not sounding at all disappointed. "Come on, you lot. You're going to want to come with me. That lot will get you killed."

Her passengers climbed into the car with little protest. Diane hesitated a moment, looking towards the black van speeding towards the plane. She wondered if that was-

Gamora cleared her throat, muttering something under her breath.

-the car coming to pick up her plane. Yes, that must be it. Diane climbed into the passenger seat of the car.

Gamora slammed the car door shut. She pushed down a button on her key as the van pulled up. The doors all activated their sound proofing.

Three people climbed out from the car. Gamora was giddy with excitement. She had been waiting a long time to see them again, now she was getting the chance. They had such baby faces too. Even Jack seemed so young here and now, while he still had a head of hair.

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