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You groaned softly peeling your eyes open, rubbing sandy dust off your swollen eyelids. You slowly sat up from your bed and grabbed your phone from the nightstand. Your eyes widened to see multiple missed calls and messages from Xai. Without thinking you pressed the call button, Xai answered immediately.

"Xai? What's wrong? Are you okay!?" You heard a few shuffling in the background and Xais distress cry rang through your ear like bell.

"I need to see you, please"

You stood up from your bed, "where do you want to meet?" You hastily ran to your bathroom and placed the phone onto your shoulder, ear pressed against it.

"Midnight café. Please hurry" 

You both hung up as you quickly got undressed and got into the shower. With a fast pace you washed you body, you got dressed and put on a black tracksuit pants with a black long sleeve baggy shirt. With your black and white converse high tops. You left your long hair loose, walked downstairs and headed towards the front door.

"Where you off to?" Your sister shouted from the lounge.

"I'm going to meet Xai. Tell mom I'll be back home later!" You shouted from the door.

"Okay! Bye!" your sister shouted.

You closed the door behind you and walked to the coffee shop, it was not far from where you lived. You arrived and entered the shop. You saw Xai and she waved you over. The minute you sat down Xai broke down. "I'm such a horrible person." Xai cried. Your eyes widened and you held her hand trying to calm her.

"What happened?" You asked worriedly.

"Taehyung and I slept together" xai blurted out. You eyes widened at her blunt response. "but I don't think we did it" she added quickly. You sighed in relief and comforted her.

"Tell me everything that happened, after I left you and taehyung alone." You said and Xai sighed and sat up a bit in her seat.

"After you left us. We talked for a while until he offered me a drink. I think I had too many because the only thing I remember was us making out then I woke up to see Taehyung laying sleeplessly next to me. I'm such a horrible person" Xai frustratedly let out, rubbing her temples and sighed.

"You not a horrible person, Xai. You and him just kissed." You tried to reassure her. "I am a horrible person because I have a...boyfriend"

Your jaw dropped.

"You have a boyfriend?" You asked, shocked at Xais sudden confession. "Yes. I feel terrible for cheating on him"

You could see tears in Xai's eyes and you pulled her into a hug.

"Xai, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes...including me" you said the last word as a whisper. Xai looked at you confusingly. You sighed and decided to tell her about what happened last night.

"Jimin- kind of k-kissed" you stuttered and gazed down at the wooden table in front of you. You heard Xai gasp. "oh my god."

You gazed up at her shocked face. "It was a mistake. He was drunk!" You explained and Xai grinned at you. "How was the kiss?" she asked and you immediately blushed. "Holy shit, you like him! Don't you?" Xai asked excitedly and a smirk curling up her lips.

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"No, I don't. His rude and conceited and-"

"handsome" Xai cut you off.

You glared at her and she laughed at you. "I'm just joking, but seriously though. Do you?" Xai stared at you curiously. You sighed "I don't"

"I can't believe you made out with Park Jimin" Xai chuckled to herself. "Ugh, whatever. It was a mistake"

"Sure it was" Xai said sarcastically and winked at you.


You laid on your bed and stared up at the ceiling. You thought of what happened last night, how nice it felt kissing Jimin, you brushed your finger on your bottom lip. You smiled as the images of last night replayed in your mind, but it immediately dropped when you thought of him.

"Xai, pick up your phone." You huffed. You called Xai multiple times but she did not answer. You looked at your contact list and you did want not call your mom. There was one name that caught your eye.

You regret doing this but you needed to get out of this room before Jimin woke up. While debating with yourself you pressed the call button and on the fourth ring the person answered.

"hello, who is this?"

You scrunched your face. Your pride pulling you not to answer but you were desperate. You desperately needed help even if you disliked the person on the other side of the call.

"Jungkook, it's Y/N. I need your help."

Jungkook was silent for a moment, the sound of his ragged breath made your heart race in anticipation.

"What do you need help with" he shouted over the loud music.

Wait- was he at taehyungs party as well?

Of course he was, his taehyungs friend.

 "Are you at Taehyungs party?"

"Yes. Why?"

Your heart jumped, "I'm trapped in a room and I need your help to get me out. Please."

Jungkook huffed, "Can't you get yourself out?"

"What by trapped do you not understand?" You sneered. Jungkook contemplated for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh.

"okay, fine. I'll be right there."

Jungkook hanged up the phone and you stared at your phone confusingly expecting him to say no.

However, you waited for a while until you heard your name being called. You got up quickly and walked towards the door. "I'm in here!" You shouted. You heard a click sound come from the door, it slowly opened to reveal jungkook. You were never this happy to see light in your entire life. Jungkooks hooded gaze fell from you and then to Jimin who laid sleeplessly on the floor. While his focus was on Jimin, you walked passed him.

Before you can take another step, jungkook grabbed your arm. He swiftly turned you around to face him and you averted your gaze from his. "Y/N, look at me" he gently said, but you did not want to look at him.

He carefully lifted up your chin and your eyes met his. "Don't I get a thank you?" He asked, with a small smile planted on his face. You ignored him and broke out of his grip. You turned around and walked off leaving jungkook. You heard him call out to you but you ignored him and continued walking on.

You laid on your stomach and covered the blankets over your head. You felt bad for not saying thank you to jungkook, but then again you could not face him. He caused you so much pain that you could not face him, just seeing him brought back all the memories you cherished and hated.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" you asked whispering to yourself.


I'm so sorry I didn't update in so long. I had to study, but I'm back now and I can't wait to write more.


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