May 12, 1813
I haven't seen much of Dominik these past few days. I'm not too sure how I feel about that though.
A small part of me is relieved since that means that the whole consumption threats he made to me a while back seem to be dying down. But most of me is worried for him since, on the rare occasion when he attends dinner, he appears awfully distant and preoccupied.
I have been trying to take my mind off of thinking to much about him by hanging out with Vera and Polly. Polly's been staying here on holiday since her husband is oversees in America doing "business" for the king.
I don't even want to know what that is. I've been rethinking everything I know since I found out my country is run by demons.
Supposedly all the duchesses, dukes, counts, countesses, and everyone else of power are either demons or vampires.I have a gnawing feeling that Nik isn't too fond of the demon king since he literally told me he hated demons and even his expression hardens as he speaks of them. I can imagine why. They took his mortal life away and the human lives of his family.
I'm happy as a human; I don't envy them one bit. I want to die, well not right now but you know what I mean. The idea of growing old and finally ending my pitiful life, yay!
If only I was handed a better life then maybe I wouldn't feel so cold and indifferent.
"Hey...hey...Eva!" Polly shook me by my shoulders. We are currently having tea, well I'm having tea and they're sipping blood. Ew.
I'm kind of ignoring their entire conversation but it's not my fault I have to analyze my life at least once every day.
"Yeah, sorry." I muttered bringing the teacup to my lips.
"Ok, we get it you found the love of your life in my brother and can't stop thinking about him. But at least make an effort to listen to us." Vera rolls her eyes but still wears a perfect replica of her brother's grin.
"Aww I remember when Sebastian told me he loved me. Has he confessed?" Polly chimes in.
I nearly spat my tea out laughing at their stupidities.
"Confessed?! I don't even interest him...he doesn't even like to look at me." I spat while lazily tracing my fingertip along the rim of my teacup.
"Oh I very much like looking at you." A warm breath fans my ear. I subconsciously flinch at the deep melodic voice which earns a chuckle from him.
"Nik." I state coolly, whipping my head around and leaving an inch of space between his face and mine.
"In fact, I love looking at you almost as much as you love looking at me." My jaw dropping at his arrogant remark.
I quickly close it and roughly flick him in the forehead. "Sorry, just wanted to see if there was something inside your skull. Turns out it's empty, you should get that checked out...among other things." I said looking down passed his waist and suppressing a giggle.
I stood up turning back to the girls and giving each of them a wave. "Excuse me, I think it's about time for my afternoon nap."
"But you never n-" Vera began smirking but was elbowed in the side by Polly who gave me a knowing smile and a thumbs up.
What the hell was she thinking. I was trying to get away from Nik, that's all. I turn on my heels avoiding his burning gaze.

RomanceA young woman, coming of age, in the 1800s must meet certain expectations to survive in the heart of London. But the free-spirited orphan Evangeline Winters struggles to mold into society. With romanticized ideas about how the world should be, she...