The Love That Never Was

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The following poem I created from a mixture of inspiration from Ethan Frome and the poetry of Rimbaud. The following poem tells the aftermath of a fatal encounter. A woman is given a mysterious rose and told to meet her true love. When she goes to do this she meets a fatal end and this is where this poem forms.

(A woman's body laid tossed and entangled

its hair touching the lawn in a black ramble.)

a single pale hand raised to the skies,

from the tree which upon it lies,

a single rose given as a gift,

a final farewell before the shift,

between life and what is known as death,

I would be willing to give her my only breath,

but alas the world has such a cruel fate,

to make me take my time and wait,

for if I had come a second sooner,

I would of had plenty of time to swoon her

The sad truth of this poem is that if the woman had lived and if she had met this man, she would have learned that he was her true love. If their relationship began it would be a spiral of love and romance that blossomed into the perfect marriage and family. Alas, Fate is always cruel to man.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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