Ours- Reader x Sam x Dean (smut)

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Hey guys sorry this part has taken so long, I've been super busy and have just recently started uni, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and that it might make up for it taking so long, Thank y'all. Now, ON WITH THE SMUT!!!


You felt like crap, your head was thumping from the massive hangover you had and the fact you'd had to sit through a two hour lecture on God only knew what. However the headache was the least of your worries, you'd only been at University for 2 weeks and you'd slept with someone, Sam and Dean were going to kill you. The had made you promise three things when they agreed to let you go to uni; dont drink, dont smoke anything and do not have sex with anyone that wasn't them. You'd broken all the rules. Every single one! Why the hell did you go to that party!

You sniffed as you entered your flat, you hadn't been home since before the party. Thankfully you didn't need to worry about meeting your flatmate as she'd gone home for the weekend earlier that day to see her family. Trudging into the open plan living and kitchen area you dumped your bag and kicking your shoes off by the door before opening the fridge to get out a Coke.

A firm hand was suddenly clamped over your mouth while another arm was secured round your waist pulling you towards the mans body. 

"Where have you been Y/N?" Dean said as he moved his hand from your mouth down to hold your neck squeezing slightly and making you whimper. 

"Your flatmate told us you were out drinking last night, but that couldn't be true, not our baby girl. " Sam walked to stand in front of you, shit you forgot your roommate had been there at the beginning. She had seen you get drunk, she saw you leave with the other man. Shit.  Sam was looking down at you with dark eyes. God he was so hot when he was like this but oh my God was he scary. 

Looking down you, tried to shift where you stood but Dean tightened his grip around your waist and neck causing you to gasp for what little air you could get. "Is it true you were drinking and smoking last night?" Dean asked coldly. You nodded there was no point lying to them, they could most likely smell it on your clothes. 

Dean removed his hands from you and you felt him move away from your body and walk towards his duffle bag that was thrown on one of the bar stools. You couldn't look Sam in the eyes as he walked closer too you, your bodies almost touching. He slapped you hard across the cheek and tears rushed to your eyes. He grabbed your chin forcing you to look up at him, "we gave you three rules. When your room mate told us you were drinking I was slightly pissed off, when I found out you were smoking I was pissed." He was staring at you never letting his hazel eyes leaving your own, "but when I found out you let someone else use you like a little slut. . . " he stops fire blazing behind his ice cold eyes.

Dean by this point had walked back over behind you. He ripped your shirt buttons bouncing onto the floor as you stood whimpering with tears rolling down your cheeks as Sam dropped his hand from your chin. "I. . . I'm sorry sir," you sniffed, stepping out of your jeans as Dean yanked them down and round your ankles. 

Sam ripped your bra and panties off throwing them to the ground. You felt dean grab your wrists pulling them behind your back hard enough to leave bruises before connecting them tightly with handcuffs. Dean slaps your ass as he leans forward, "I'm so disappointed in you baby girl. Now we have to punish you." He secured a leather collar securely round your neck and pulled you towards him groping your breasts. "What do you think Sammy?"

"I think she needs to be punished. If she's gonna act like a little slut she should be treated like one." Sam held up a ball gag, "open." You did so and he securely fastened it behind your head and then proceeded to slip a blindfold over your eyes.

Dean pushed you towards the couch pushing you down so that your head and shoulders were resting on the seat your ass in the air. You sniffed waiting for your punishment, feeling frightened and excited at the same time, already beginning to get wet.

A hand smacked down on your ass and you cried out around the gag. Then another not giving you enough time to react. You figured it was Dean who was spanking you he was always rougher then Sam and you loved it. Your ass was turning a bright shade of pink as both your cheeks and thighs were slapped. Suddenly the spanking stopped and you were left panting, shaking and crying into the couch. You were already so close to your first orgasm.

"You can cum whenever you want slut," Dean whispered in your ear, "you'll be doing a lot of that." He nibbled at your ear and bit down on your neck sucking a bruise into your neck. Then he was gone.

 You felt something that felt like leather brush across your ass. A belt.The belt smacked down on your ass again and again. Your cries all merged together into one continuous groan as both the boys smacked you with your belts. Your first orgasm came and went. 

After a few more slaps Sam pulled your hair, forcing you up into a kneeling position before walking round in front of you and removing your gag and blindfold. You saw that he had stripped while Dean had been slapping you. He whipped the streams of tears away from your face. "You took that like such a good little slut. Are you sorry for breaking our rules?" He gripped your hair tightly in one hand and rubbed  he hard coke in the other. 

"Y... yes sir, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again," you whimper.

"Show me how sorry you are," Sam said pushing you down as you took his coke in your mouth. Swirling your tongue around his tip and sucking his rock hard shaft. Dean stood behind you rubbing your ass. Suddenly dean pushed a finger into your pussy the only lubricant being your own juices. You yelped and moaned sending vibrations up Sam's cock making him moan. "Oh God Dean she's so beautiful like this. 

"She's being such a good little slut for us," Dean said pushing another finger into your pussy. You moaned and Sam pushed your head and bucked into your mouth, causing you to gag on his large member. 

"Oh N/Y!" Sam shouted as he held you there bucking into your mouth as he came, riding out his high on your mouth. 

Dean shoved his fingers up hitting your sweet spot and he thrust faster and faster as he made you cum for the second time. "P... please daddy..." You begged Dean to fuck you, to use you like his toy the way you loved. 

Dean chuckled and removed his fingers "You don't deserve my cock in your pussy slut. Not today," he removed his fingers and you moaned in protest as he walked in front of you switching places with Sam and you began to suck Dean's rock hard cock, precum already leaking from the tip. Sam was rubbing something against your pussy and pushed it in deep making you moan but it felt wrong, it didn't feel like his cock. 

It didn't take long for Dean to cum into your mouth thrusting deep into you as he rode out his orgasm. You swallowed and looked up at you. "Good slut," he petted your head. "Lets take her to the bedroom," Dean said to the younger Winchester picked you up and carried you through.

Laying you on the bed Sam put the gag in your mouth again as Dean tied your ankles to the bead. Sam slipped the blindfold over your eyes and suddenly you felt the thing in your pussy start to vibrate. 

"Now," Dean said "Your master and I are going to go get some lunch and have a look around your campus. Since you enjoy being fucked for others you can cum as much as you like on this toy." He turned the vibrator onto the highest setting and you cried out moaning and were already close to yet another orgasm. 

"Have a good day slut." Sam said leaning down and kissing your cheek before leaving the room.

Dean bent down his stubble brushing your cheek as he whispered in your ear, "you are ours, and only ours, remember that." 

You heard Dean leave following his brother leaving you bound and cumming again and again in the dark, while they most like went to find the man you fucked last night to teach him a lesson for fucking their girlfriend.

"You are ours, and only ours," Deans voice rang around your head as the vibrator tortured you for what seemed like forever.


Part 2? Comment or message me and let me know any suggestions you have for another part. :)

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