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Jason was walking towards the Aphrodite cabin. He opened the door, and saw that Lacy was the only one in her cabin. She was standing in front of a table filled with make-up, in front of a camera. 'Hey, Lacy, where's...' Lacy leaned over the table and pushed a button, so that the camera stopped running. 'Yes?' She asked Jason. 'Um... whereks Piper? And what are you doing. Lacy smiled. 'I a recording a youtube video, and Piper said that she was going to look in the Zeus cabin. Jason thanked her and turned around, with still no idea what Lacy had been doing.

'Piper?' Jason stopped. 'Why does the statue of Zeus wear sunglasses?' Piper shrugged. 'I thought it was funny. Don't you know Percy put sunglasses on the bust of Poseidon as well? And that he wrote 'broseidon' under it?' Jason nodded. 'Piper, do you know what 'youtube' is?' Piper raised her eyebrow. 'You don't know what that is?' 'Why would I be asking it if I already new?' 'Youtube is a medium to watch videos on, and you can also upload them. Well, you need to upload them outside of camp, because you need WiFi and everything...' jason grabbed her hand. 'Let's go to the closest Starbucks. Can you show me it over there?'

Piper took a bite out of her muffin, and opened her laptop. 'Are you allowed to have that in camp?' 'If I don't put it on. Don't worry, I asked Chiron.' She logged onto the free internet, and got her headphones from her bag. 'The youtube channel from the Aphrodite cabin is called MakeUpForLifeAndLove, I thought. It teaches you how to apply make-up so everyone will swoon for you, or something.' She found the channel, and watched the newest video on there - the one Lacy had been recording when Jason had walked in. She talked about how to apply lip liner for about 5 minutes. Jason thought it was rather boring, but he also supposed it was handy if you needed to apply lip liner.

Piper closed down the video. 'It is not just make-up people talk about. I am pretty sure a lot of people in camp have youtube channels. She typed in another address: SeaweedbrainLovesUnicornFluffAndWiseGirl. 'This is Percy's channel, which you can probably see by the weird name. Doesn't it just sound like somebody didn't care what they were typing?' Jason laughed. Piper showed him the channel. 'It's mostly marine biology, and some fits of randomness. Oh, and also this one video where he explains how he got blue streaks and that he is going to get revenge. That video almost went viral.'

'This is GhostKing123, which is Nico's channel. He makes a lot of mythomagic videos with RayOfSunshineRainbow, which is Will's channel. The apollo cabin also has a channel which they share with all of them, on which they explain medical stuff. This over here is the account of Camp Jupiter. Only Half Bloods can see it. It is build to scout new people. They upload videos about what happens in camp and things like that. The hunters of Artemis have a similar thing, but Camp Half-blood doesn't have something like it.' 'Why not?' Jason asked. Piper took a sip of her coffee before answering. 'Because Chiron is paranoid about phones and the internet. I thought you knew that.'

'Here is Annabeth's channel: OwlsAndMe. She mostly explains stuff, about everything. Lots of Greek Myths, as well.' Jason was sitting next to Piper like a young puppy. 'I want to make videos as well!' Piper giggled, and made an account for him. 'What do you want your channel name to be?'

Piper and Jason got out of the Starbucks. Jason was excited; He couldn't wait to make his first video for LightningMan1234494949.

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