Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Hunting a Wolf

        I trot back and forth on a line that only I can see, stressing about the situation. The Alpha King is calling names at random to begin their hunt. Miraculously, my name hasn't been called yet. Though, it shouldn't be a surprise.

        There's a one-in-seventy-something chance of getting chosen. Yet everybody's name will be called.

        About forty names have been called so far. There are much better odds of me being called. All of those who have gone so far have taken a few minutes at most. I believe the longest was about seven minutes. It averaged at about four minutes so far, though.

        My ears perk up as a horn is blown. Seconds later the Alpha King's voice comes over the speaker. "Two minutes and twenty-three seconds," he says, telling the time of the hunt. I pin my ears back and continue to pace back and forth.

        The speaker lights up a few minutes later to wait for the wolf to exit the forest, though I continue to pace, my ears perked up. "Ryler McKin," the powerful boom echoes. A few seconds go by before it's repeated. Surely the Alpha King should be doing work in his office, I think to myself, confused as to why the King's here.

        He's been here for every single wolf that has tracked. It's odd. The Alpha King would surely have a lot of work to do, running a kingdom. So why is he being the instructor to a test?

        A few minutes go by before the horn rings again. Another name is called and a few minutes go past. The horn rings and minutes later the speaker crackles. "Evergreen Raverik." I still and cock my head to the side, listening as my name is called again.

        I pin my ears back and stalk through the open door leading to the actual arena area. I had actually seen the stadium when I first came here. It is this massive circular building with a natural plot of forest in the center.

        This is where our hunting will take place.

        There's a wolf on the other side of the door. He walks beside me as I go forward, looking down at my small size. I stand taller as I approach the start of the forest. It'll start soon.

        We had all been given a rundown before being stuffed into a waiting room of sorts. We were told that the clock starts as soon as this wolf hits the time button. We were told to hunt down a random wolf that is hiding somewhere in the forest.

        As soon as we catch them, the timer should immediately stop. How it does so, I don't know.

        I stand behind the grass line leading straight to the small forest. The male wolf holds some sort of device in his hand that must control the timer. "Nod when you're ready and I'll start the timer. You can run off right after that."

        I close my eyes and breathe in. I nod my head and immediately sprint into the forest. My pawsteps are quiet as I step over various rocks and twigs. I stand up tall and twitch my ears about, searching for something out of the ordinary.

        My eyes are closed and my muzzle tipped in the air, searching for a scent. All I scent is the forest and the wolves before me. I don't bother to scent track the wolf, knowing that the scents of the wolves before me will cover the scent.

        My ear flicks to the right of me as a paw is placed. I crouch down and immediately head in the direction, as silent as possible. The snow, though hindering my sense of smell, gives me an advantage, as well as the wolf I'm hunting.

        It makes everything soaked so that even if I do step on a stick, it will be barely audible. A newer wolf scent trail becomes stronger and I can't help but think it's familiar. I follow after it.

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