Laylas POV.
I woke up the next morning and brushed my teeth and bathe I put on some pink and purple tie dye high waist jeans and a tshirt that had main Chick on it. with my pink uggs. I put my pink gun on safety an put it my Louis Vuitton bag and walked into the trap house since Killa wasn't home.. I walk in an trill is trying to stop me from going to his office. I got past him and open killas office door to him fuking this girl I automatically saw Red an when I see red its not pretty. I pulled my gun out an started shooting I didn't care who or what I hit... minutes later after I stopped trill tried stopping me from seeing red. next thing ik Killa came up to me an I punched him in the face and kicked him in his private. An threw the necklace at him an said “Fuk you an that bitch! Fuk you Killa!" I ran out an got in the car an drove off. I got to a hotel an cheaked in the only people I could talk to right now was jay or trill they like brothers to me. I called jay and told him to go get my stuff from killas place he said aite I told trill to come to the hotel.
Trills POV.
Mane I can't believe Killa cheated on lay she too good to his ass. But I just pulled up to her hotel she's at. I went to her room and knocked. She came to the door in her bra an jogging pants you could tell she had been crying her eyes were blood shot red. I walked in an asked “You ok lay?" she looked at me as tears was falling from her face and said “Trill why he do this to me. I haven't done anything for him to cheat." I hugged her cause she was to broken I hated seeing her like this. I looked down and said “Layla he will get it together." she looked me in my eyes I couldn't help my self I kissed her and she stopped me an said “Omg trill.. I'll keep this to myself.." I told her I was soo sorry. She just hugged me an said “Trill its ok I wanted you to but your my ex's bff so it can't be anything! I'll keep it to my self its not like we fucked." I thought about what she said lay was right were just friends that's it!
(Omg Killa cheated and trill kissed Layla omgg!!)
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