4. Reality #2

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"Hey, Y/n." I turn my head and face Seri. "Do you know whose number this belongs to?"

She shows a chat. Inside as a message from a mysterious number, 'Hiii Seri~' Then I look at the number once more. Oh shit... This is Jeojang's number. I probably shouldn't say anything...

"Don't know, don't care." I replied and she rolls her eyes.

"Typical Y/n. How did he even get my number? Is he a stalker?"

"Are you assuming the gender?" I fake Gasp.

"Well I'm sure no girls would get my number and say, 'Hiii Seri~'"

That is true. 60% of the girls in the school hates Seri. Why? Because she's the miss Perfect in school. She can play piano, she can play sports, she can cook and plus she's beautiful AF. Like how the hell am I even her Best Friend.

           But just like everybody, she has a flaw. And that is, Keeping a relationship with a boy for just a week. Guess what she dated 3 boys this year. Guanlin and I would always call go to her house, bring a together sweater and buy pizzas at the end of a week (if she gets a Boyfriend)

             I Guess that's why girls hate her? Maybe they think she's a whore? Well she ain't one cause it's always the boy who breaks up with her. That's why I'm quite protective of her. (A/N: Says the girl who trade her Friend for food) Totally Protective.

              "Why don't you text him first? And ask questions?" I suggested.

              She nods and looks back to her phone. I  sneakily took out my phone and texted Jeojang to tell Seri about the one week thing. And also- did he just left me on read?!?! He's gonna get his ass kicked when I-

"OMG HE JUST ASKED ME OUT!" She shouted and started moving like worm.

"Don't say yes. You know what'll happen," I warned and then, "Give him a week and give your answer then."

"Should I ask for his real life-"

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Bit-"

She sighs and texted Jeojang. I noticed her saving his name as Secret Admirer with a (?). She really needs to stop being so naive. I'm broke because of the pizzas I bought for her. Guanlin never pays ;~;

"Aish, It's 7:30pm. Go home we got school on Monday,"


She took her bag and left my house. Even so, she also have her good points too. Although she's quite naive, she's also quite umm Sweet(?) The reason why boys break up with her was because she was too clingy and kind of selfish. But either way, I love her. She's like my Sister.

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