Fei stayed silent. "Hey, no need to turn a cold shoulder. Would you care to explain what you're doing here?" Lief pressured.
"That is, none of your concern", Fei responded.
"The way I see it, if im going to help you, I would like to be able to call you by something. April?"
"Did you just name me?" Fei challenged.
"I don't know? Did I just now? April?" Lief said getting up
Fei flew up to his face and looked at him in the eyes. Lief stared back with a smug grin on his face.
Lief blew her away. "I'll call you that for now, 'till your willing to say your own name."
Fei scoffed, "Fine then! And what is your name?"
"Lief, and I'd like to know what's going on here.
"I don't remember much. All I know is that we've been running from a terrorist group in my land."
"Who? Other elves or someone else?"
"I think they too were elves", Fei responded.
"Wow. To think that you're own species are at war with each other", Lief laughed.
Fei looked at him with disappointment. "I'm sure your lands are filled with prosperity and peace?"
"The difference between you and me is that humans don't care unless it's happening to them. That way we don't get into most problems."
"I see you're a good example"
"Shut it. I'm going to sleep now," Lief said with a yawn.
"Oh not so tough now are you? Well I"ll …"
And the night went on with Fei's bickering.

The 5 Rings
FantasyLet me tell a you story. About a land that I once saved and destroyed. Updates are every month (Usually) Big thank you to my friends who are helping me do this and to other anonymous people who are big supporters