Chapter 54 - Another "I don't know"

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Jennie worked hard in the upcoming days to get ready for the tour that was fast approaching. She usually checked her phone as much as she could and would respond to people as much as she could, but just as she told Lisa once - sometimes it would get really busy, which would leave a drained Jennie at the end of the day, unable to respond to anything properly.

She had noticed Lisa's text message early on, but she just couldn't find the time to properly respond to it.

I don't want to be rude and respond with a short answer... But I also don't want to be rude and not answer at all... Oh I just hope I'll have some energy at the end of the day to respond though... She would muse during the day.

When nighttime came, Jennie went to her apartment, drained from everything she had done all day.

Okay, I need to... Ugh, I'm so sore... I need to take a shower. Don't want to smell like garbage... Heh, garbage... Hey, that reminds me, I have to respond to Lisa! Okay, as soon as I take a shower, I'll respond to all of my messages.

She then got off from her couch and went to take a shower. She was smiling because she kept thinking how the day finally ended and how she was now ready to respond to everyone. Oh yeah, the day is dooone... I'm now gonna have some fuuuun... Her mind started to make up songs as she was dancing in the shower. I can't wait to respond to everyone and then just go to sleep. I wonder what Lisa wrote though hehe... She mused.

She then went out of her shower, put on her pajamas and went to bed to respond to everyone.

She went in no particular order, but she wanted to save Lisa for last. I bet it's something interesting or funny or important. Yeah, let's save that for last.

Oh! Nayeon wants to meet up tomorrow night before her schedule starts to become messy again, that sounds great! We should definitely meet up, I'll respond to that happily. Now management... More management... Heh, Chanyeol sent a funny video. Management... Okay, I think I'm done, now let's see what Lisa wrote.

Just as she was about to open up Lisa's message, another one came, and it was from Dowoon:

Hey :) I remembered that you said that you might be free tomorrow, so I wanted to know if we could hang out at my place? :*

Jennie read the message and started to think. Well, I did agree to meet up with Nayeon, so I won't be having much time to see him since the first half of my day is full but... Maybe for an hour? Yeah, we could meet up for an hour.

She then wrote back:

Hey! I have made plans already for tomorrow night, but we could meet up and hang out for an hour if that's okay. I could text you the time tomorrow in the morning when I know everything, but maybe around 7pm? :*

He immediately responded:

Great! We'll go around my neighborhood and find bagels! :) See you then! :*

Jennie thought to herself - Awww isn't he sweet with that bagels thing? He remembered because I told him. That's so nice. Lisa however did introduce me to them, so... But anyway, let's see what my Lili wrote hihi. Jennie internally giggled.

She then went on to read Lisa's message.

Oh wow! She really took the dancing thing that I've mentioned seriously! Is she into dancing now? Like, really into it? That would be great! I'm going to ask her that... And she's so thoughtful, wishing me well and everything... I hope she's doing well too... I guess I could quickly check her social media and see if she's posted anything lately before I answer... I do like to be informed!

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