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At the emergency consortium meeting, everyone was all abuzz about the recent events surrounding the exobiologist Anna Hauser. An indigenous intelligent life form on Searth! Who would have seen this coming? What needs to be done now? Chairman Isabell Rocha called the group to order. "OK, let's settle down and take our seats so the meeting can get started. General Zhou, could you start us off?"

The general stood and spoke gravely, "Certainly Chairman. I would like to back up a little. A few days before this second incident with Ms. Hauser, Down on the planet, I investigated another incident involving the trilobites and one of my security men. He is currently in a contamination ward of the hospital. Some of you are already familiar with this incident. Corporal Harris broke our protocol and picked up one of the trilobites. It has been concluded from several sources; this was likely a reflexive act by the trilobite to right itself and inadvertently broke the corporal's helmet. My investigations down on the planet and information received from Major Patel's interview with the corporal leads me to believe there were no nefarious motives from the trilobites. It is my opinion the corporal's incident precipitated the second meeting with Ms. Hauser. This could be their way to mitigate any misunderstandings that may be developing among our people. We are the aliens in this scenario. Some sort of mutually beneficial relationship should occur as soon as possible to secure our place here."

"Thank you General," Izzy said as the general sat down. "Captain, do you have anything to add?"

Levi stood and addressed the room. "Only three things chairman. First; I want to remind people here a youngling cracked Corporal Harris's helmet. Ms. Hauser related this to us from her communication with one of the Te'Hat Elders we are calling Fred. Second; their behavior seems to imply a benevolence that is the result of a higher-level civilization type, or they are very simple-minded and gullible. I do not believe in the latter explanation since they seem to be moving with real purpose and imply a fair amount of intelligence. I am saying this because we need to proceed with caution. A higher sense of civilization may also have very specific taboos and customs we need to be careful to respect. Thirdly; we need to recognize the fact that they were here first."

Matt stood up, "you mean if they asked us to leave, we would have to comply with that?"

"Yes, we would, as long as I am captain. Matt returned to his seat feeling intimidated by the captain's outburst. An uncomfortable silence engulfed the room as Levi also took his seat.

Izzy plowed right on through in an effort to break the discomforting hush. "Thank you, Captain, for your assessment of the Te'Hat. Now I am opening the floor to discussions about options."

Before anyone could start, Sonny addressed the chairman. "Madame Chairman?"

"Yes Sonny," the chairman replied.

"If humans are to treat the Te'Hat with the respect that they claim to have for them, we must leave this place."

"What?" Matt stood up again and shouted. "Is he kidding? We are trying to save our species!"

Sonny answered his remark with a history lesson. "At the expense of another civilization? I must point out human history is full of empty promises and deceit. In nearly every instance, people have pledged cooperation and respect when moving into another's territory, only to stir up conflict and war over the same territory. Even with good intentions and good will, there will always be individuals who believe that the stronger should take what they want. This predictably leads to conflict. Dr. Allen believes we should take what we want."

Dr. Allen was livid. "Do you propose we just put an end to our species just because someone else just happens to live here too?" Matt practically screamed.

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