Lorcan's POV
I sit and look up at the ceiling of my room. I need to stop wallowing and get my ass up. There is a War that needs fought. And I don't intend on losing.
But maybe first...maybe first i should start with the war between the woman i love and myself.
If she'll even talk to me.
I get out of bed and go to the upper level of the ship. Everyone is up there and waiting for someone to speak. For a plan of action maybe.
I sit down on a crate beside Gavriel. He gives me a small smile, but his eyes look somewhat vacant. As vacant as my own perhaps. "Well now that everyone has joined us, i'd like to discuss our plan for getting Aelin back." Whitehorn starts.
For the next several hours all of us debate on what to do. How to go about getting Aelin. Where Maeve would take her. Her castle in Doranelle would be too obvious. So we rule that out as an option for now.But she has to be somewhere in Wendlyn.
Eventually, we all settle on just going where we can and searching. Maybe getting information from locals about where Maeve has been. Where she may be.
At the end of it most of us are grumpy, but Elide speaks up.
"I...i need one of you to teach me how to fight. To defend myself and wield a sword."
For a moment, none of us speak up. Then Gavriel says:
"I'll do it. Those two are absolute brutes and will be mean about it."
Rowan snorts and flips him a vulgar gesture. I echo the sentiment. Elide gives him a kind smile. "Thank you Gavriel."
He answers her with a smile and a nod before getting up to get himself some food. Rowan follows him, and then it's just me and Elide left on the deck.
Neither of us say anything for a long, long while. Until she speaks up.
"I hope you understand why I didn't ask you. At the moment I don't exactly want anything to do with you. That being said, keep your ridiculous and territorial Fae male bullshit to yourself."
Ridiculous and territorial Fae male bullshit.
Those words hit their mark, and leave something aching in their wake.
"Elide i..." I trail off mid-sentence. She thinks im a bastard, so why not show her what she sees?
"I don't give a shit that you didn't ask me. It's not my problem. You want Whitehorn or the Lion to train you, then fine, your choice. You've made it quite evident you want nothing to do with me, so therefore I don't give a shit."
She snorts at my words. "Why am i not surprised that's all you have to say?"
"Is there something else you wanted to hear?" I say with more bite than i meant to.
"Not from you." She gets up and goes to join the others for food. I stay on the deck and stare out at the endless sea.
Even if i were to apologize to her again and again, would it be enough? Even when we find Aelin, will she ever forgive me? Will Aelin forgive me? After all...she is being tortured because of me. By a Fae sadist that delights in such horrible things.
Will the Fire-Bringer even be able to fight in this war after we find her? Or perhaps the damage he does will be too deep.
Elide will never forgive me if the spirit of her Fire-Bringer is broken. Whitehorn would kill me then and there. And if he didn't, then surely Aedion would.
I'd deserve it anyways after the way i have acted all these centuries. After what i have done. There is no one for this situation to be pinned on but myself.
No one.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to carry on this story? I'd love to hear them if you have them!
Xoxo Sunshine💛

Fixing my mistakes (Elorcan fan fic)
FanfictionLorcan is now a dishonorable male. He was severed from his blood oath, and lost possibly the only person who could ever love him. She feels like he ruined everything and got her Queen captured. What can he do to fix this? To make this woman forg...