Chap18: Finally

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**Jay Pov

Bey has been complaining all week about God knows it's really getting on my nerves. She said she has not been feeling to good so we are going to go to the doctor later on today.

Right now I am downstairs cooking breakfast for my baby. She is still sleep thought. I put the food on the plate and went upstairs to give it to her. When I came in the room, she was in the bathroom throwing up.

I went in the bathroom and held her hair.

J: aww baby whats wrong

B: baby I don't *puke* know.

When she got done puking she brushed her teeth and came back in the room.

J: you feel better.

B: Yeah a little.. I probably got a virus or something.

J: well that's why we going to the doctor... I made you breakfast.

B: aww thanks babe.

J: of course and thank you for being the most beautiful women on earth.

B: *blushing*

J: can I get my kiss now.

B: *put a piece of pancakes in her mouth* mhm *kisses Jay*

J: we gone head to the doctor after you finish eating so be ready..

B: okay.

I went to the bathroom and took my shower. Once I got out Bey was brushing her teeth again. I got the towel and wrapped it around my waist. Bey was just staring at me.

J: Bey...


J: BEY..!

B: ..huh

J: you staring pretty hard..

B: ohh.... my bad it just alot to see.

J: mmm

I walked out the bathroom and went to the closet.

J: hmmmm what do I wear today.

I pulled out some jeans and a nets shirt -of course- I got my timberland boots. I also pulled out my gold chain and my watch.

I sat on the bed and grabbed my phone to see what time it was. When I put my phone down Bey walked out with a towel wrapped around her.

B: Jay..


B: JAY...

J:.. huh

B: *mocking Jay (hehehe)* you staring pretty hard.

J: mmhmm.


J: oh babe my bad.. go get dressed.

B: okay.

**Bey Pov

I knew Jay was staring so I started to tease.. I strutted in my closet and dropped my towel. I heard Jay gasp and I chuckled. I bend down, considering the underwear drawer was on the bottom, grabbed my underwear and bra and got back you slowly.

I pulled my underwear on and then I put my bra on but didn't snap it.

B: Jay.

J: hmm

B: can you snap my bra please *seductive tone*

J: uhh sure.

I walked over to Jay and turned my back toward him. I swung my hair to the side and look at him over my shoulder. I saw his manhood hard as a brick..I just laughed to myself.


When he snapped it I got back up and went to the closet and I closed the door.

**Jay Pov

Bey know how to make a man go crazy for her. I hope she come back out with my favorite lingerie on so we can get it on.

I was getting excited at my thoughts and stripped all the way back down.. I laid at the bottom. of the bed and got a book to act like I was reading it..

About 5 min. later she came out the closet fully dressed.

B: Hey baby you ready to- *bust out laughing*

J: that's not funny.. I got excited *covering up Jr. with his hand and pouting*

B: *Crying laughing*

J: leave me alone Bey.

B: *smiling* aww I'm sowwy baby... I hurt your feelings.

J: yesss *pouting*

B: you want a kiss to make it feel better.

J: I would like that.. *smirking*

**Bey Pov

I leaned in to kiss him and it was long and passionate. He rubbed his tongue on my lips to get in my mouth. I let him in and to be honest I started to get wet.. I rubbed his dick up and down slowly but rough.

J: mmm

he moaned in the kiss making me break the kiss.

B: mmm... baby go put your clothes on we got to go before we miss the appointment.

J: *Wtf face* all that and you want to leave.. you got my dick HELLA hard and you want to go to a God damn appointment. Are you crazy..?!

B: just a little.. I will meet you in the car.. *walking out the room*

J: are you fucking serious *whispers*

B: YEP..!

I laughed all the way downstairs to the car. I got the keys (to the house/garage)and headed to the garage. I opened the garage and chose to drive my Rollz Royce my babe got me on my 25th b-day. I got in and got the keys out of the glove box put them in the keyhole and started the car. I pulled out the drive way and waited for Jay.

As i am turning up the radio I hear my baby blaring through the speakers.

Radio: coming up coming dowwnnnn ride clean fix your head in my crown.. bad bitch h-town keep it trill , y'all know I can't fuck around.

B: Paris where we been, pard my Parisian its HOV time in no time, it's fuck all y'all seasons..

J: I see you jamming to yo bae..

B: Oh my shit.. when the hell did you get here and what took you so long.

J: well I just got in the car and since someone won't please me I had to do it myself..

B: eww you nasty...

J: you act like you never did it before..

B: anyway.. you ready to go

J: no

B: what noowwwww

J: I don't want to drive this car.

B: than which one do want want to drive Shawn.

J: the white Mercedes

B: *sigh* okay.

I back my car back into the garage and we got in the other car..

B: you driving.?

J: yeah get in..

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