Important message at the bottom.
Enjoy lovelies x
Louis's P.O.V.:
My hands trembled as I ran my fingers through his hair. It's been two days and I haven't left his side. "Baby, please you need to wake up. I-I need you." I whisper softly. Zayn remains as still as ever. Our pack doctor says his body needs to rest and has put itself in a coma to help him recover. The only problem is is that no one knows when he'll wake up.
"Louis?" Harry asked quietly. I looked up and Harry was standing in the doorway of the infirmary. "You need to go hunt Louis." I shook my head stubbornly. I am never leaving Zayn alone again. "I'll just eat some kraft dinner later." Harry just gave me a look. "Louis we both know that you won't last and then you'll do something you'll regret. Now go. Alpha's orders. I'm staying to watch Zayn." I groan, knowing I can't disobey my father. "Fine." I grumble. "You better tell me if he wakes up." "Yes Louis. I promise. The second he wakes up." I sigh and kiss Zayn's forehead before heading outside.
Zayn's P.O.V:
I hear voices around me but I can't open my eyes. Even though I hear voices, I'm not scared. I feel comfy and safe. I've heard those voices before but I can't place them. A large hand runs through my hair. "I really hope you wake up soon Zayn. Lou is going crazy." A deep voice rumbles quietly. Wait wake up? What is going on? I want to wake up. I try to open my eyes but it's hard. Come on Zayn you can do it! My eyes popped open and groaned at the bright light. I roll my head over to the side and see Harry sitting there. Wait when did Harry get here. Wait where is here?
"Zayn! You're awake!" He said. "Oh shit. Louis!" Not even 5 minutes later, Louis comes barging in. "Oh thank god. You're awake." He says, sounding happy. Hm maybe I just took a long nap. "I'll just leave you two alone." Harry said before leaving. "Are you okay darling?" I shrug and reach for him. "Cuddle." I mumble, still feeling tired. Louis smiled and nodded, crawling into bed with me.
I try to move my body a bit to make rom for Louis but my body hurts a lot. I whimper and look at Louis. "Shh sweetheart." He lifts me up carefully. I flinch slightly. My body feels like it's been hit by a bus but...why? "Whatcha thinking about darling?" Louis asks, wrapping his arms around me. "Why I hurt?" I whimper. Louis bit his lip, stroking my hair. "Sweetheart what's the last thing you remember?" I bit my lip, trying to think back. "We uh watchin a movie." I said.
Louis's P.O.V:
As soon as he said that the last thing he remembers is watching a movie, I know. I know that he has some kind of memory loss. I bit my lip. Should I tell him? "Because you were badly hurt baby. But it's okay now. You're safe. I'm never letting you go again." I whisper. Zayn seems content with the answer and snuggles closer to me. "Wove you." He whispers. "I love you too baby. So so much."
YES I KNOW IT SUCKS I'M SORRY. I promise it gets better!! Please leave your comments below! Thank you so much for reading x I love you x
I have started another story called You're Our Beutiful Disaster. It's a 5SOS boyxboy story. So if you like, please go check it out! I'm really proud of it. Link below:
-ZiallShipper x