We set into the car and I looked at Jaysen. "Are you fucking kidding me? We can't go anywhere without hearing about the video??" I said. At this point I was angry, not at Jaysen but at everyone else. "Mia white...? We know a Mia...?" Jaysen asked "I doubt it's Mia, Kenzie's girlfriend" "Yeah, theres a lot of people in Denver, she's not the only Mia" "Yeah, it would be a-bit weird that it's that exact Mia" "What if it was that would be so weird" Jaysen laughed "mm Yes we just so happen to know that exact Mia out of all of Colorado"
We drove back to Denver, which now includes a two hour drive but I couldn't care less because I knew everything right now is okay, this two hours is the best two hours I could ask for. Jaysen was fine, he actually seems happy after we left, his smile was the best thing I've seen all day.
"What is this?" Jaysen said as he pulled down his front mirror to block out the sun. "What is it??" I questioned "... What the fuck" "What???" He passed me a note what was falling apart and broken.
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"Mia? what the actual FUCK??" "I know right" "For fucks sake, she's fucking stalking us" "She's fucking crazy" "I'm done" I said as I rolled down the window to throw it out. "Wait" "Huh?" I held onto it. "Should we go?? It's not that far from my house" "We have to if it means this is going to fucking stop" "Okay, we are going"
get out
"Ready 3, 2, 1" blaring sirens and unfamiliar voices "Okay come on let's go"