I honestly don't have much to say anymore or I just don't know what to say but I want to keep this book going but I don't know what else to talk about. So if there's anything u guys want my opinion on or you have some ideas tell me cause I don't wanna stop writing in this book cause it's fun and I like talking to y'all. I'll wait for like a week or so because Ik not a lot of ppl are gonna see this as fast as some ppl. Oh I almost forgot you guys can only suggest things that are anime related, it doesn't have to be Fairy tail but it can be if you want.
So with that being said I'll wait for the ideas, but if I don't get any the book will end here unless I get a new idea then you'll see more of me :D. Kingbob is out✌🏼

Anti nalu and Anti Lucy ( now a rant book)
Randomif you are a nalu lover or Lucy lover then DO NOT I REPEAT DON'T NOT read this.This is for the ppl that can't read *cough cough Nalu/Lucy fans* . This is your warning but if you do read it than that's your fault not mine. and if you feelings get hur...